
Primitive religion is not believed, it is danced!

Arthur Darby Nock

Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
And only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.

Elizabeth Browning

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

When the winds roar

When the winds roar
and the seas rise
the beauty and terror 
of nature
fling themselves full force
and tear asunder
and lives
houses and communities

we are confused

voices come from everywhere
God caused this
God took those poor people home
God spared those people
It is the wrath of God
God obviously doesn't exist
How could a loving God allow this to happen?
 It is part of God's plan

we are moved
our responses are varied and sometimes strange
there is anger
there are people who throw their anger and hate
at everything
and everyone

and there is love 
and compassion
and remarkable acts of kindness

tragedies tear at the fabric of our hearts
and our logic
our theology
our faith

just as surely as the winds of a tornado
tear apart
a grade school in Oklahoma

I have no answers
O Lord
for such moments

I do not clearly understand
I will never understand

but then I do not understand
the cross

so much is beyond my comprehension
only one thing stands clear
That you are present

as you were present 
even as Jesus cried
my God my God
why have your forsaken me

you are present
you are with them
in them

Oh Lord remind all
in travail
of your presence
help them to know
that your tears 
mix with their tears

and help them stumble
out of the valley
and the shadow 
of death
into love 
and grace

(and teach us how
to walk with them
and each other...
help us to be present as well
in your name)

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