
Primitive religion is not believed, it is danced!

Arthur Darby Nock

Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
And only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.

Elizabeth Browning

Saturday, September 10, 2016

naked love

Richard Rohr once titled his daily meditation, “You can’t make love all dressed up”.
In the meditation he makes this quote:  “We long for the space where there is nothing to prove and nothing to protect; where I am who I am, in the mind and heart of God, and that is more than enough.”


O Sacred One
we have those funny dreams
where we preach naked
or show up at school
or work
or someplace where we are extremely vulnerable

ok, maybe not everyone has those dreams
but we know what it means
to pile vulnerability upon vulnerability

we know how it is
to feel exposed, and defenseless

sadly God
the more vulnerable we feel
the more we hide
the more we put up our defenses

we hide from those we fear
but also, all too often
we hide from those we love
from those we would connect with

we even hide
or try to hide
from You

that doesn’t work very well
as Adam and Eve quickly learned

but Lord
you tell us you love us,

with agape love
no strings attached love (can we even imagine it?)

and we are reminded
that one “can’t make love all dressed up”

this day
every day
teach me

not to hide
not to clothe myself with fear
or even my own competence

remind me
to go that “space where there is nothing to prove and nothing to protect;
 where I am who I am, in the mind and heart of God,
and that is more than enough.”

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