Tomorrow I travel
It is not a trip to Disneyworld
or to a beach somewhere far far away
It is to an area where there is enmity and strife
And perhaps a little danger
This journey, this pilgrimage has a purpose
And I am called to go
And so I will
But I feel my mortality.
I walk through my home seeing it
As if for the last time
Hugging what is precious to me close
And wondering what this space would feel like
With me gone
I see my spouse, my land, my animals
The mountain I love in a new way
The unbearable beauty
Of the earth
And of love relationships
I teeter on the edge of the unknown
The abyss of the new
It is not lost on me that tomorrow is also
Election day
And I feel the power and danger
What will happen
I think about my freedom,
I think about the nation as it is
Incredibly imperfect and flawed
And yet still
At this moment, my country
I think of the core values that drive me
Those my mother taught me
Who was a person who served
And my father who was a healer
And even my church, which (Presbyterian) fed me a steady
Of love and hope
Rather than hate and fear
I think of the values that shape this nation
(how every imperfectly those values are embraced and lived)
I think of freedom, safety
Equity, equality, justice, abundance
I am an idealist, I know
But I think of a nation that takes care of its vulnerable
And welcomes refugee and immigrant
A nation where one’s vote counts
And one can speak up (even, as we have seen, what is said
is hateful and false)
Where children are educated AND protected
And women are not second-class citizens
And people have the freedom to worship how and whom they
(not the freedom to impose their faith system on everyone
And I feel the mortality of our country
Its fragility
God knows we have never been
What we have aspired to (or even claimed)
But this has been a nation I have loved
With all its flaws
And I realize that even for nations
Life is fleeting
And there are moments of danger
When, in a moment, all can be lost
We stand precariously on the edge of the abyss
Will we slide into the darkness
Tumble into hate and fear, greed and inequity?
I feel all of this
In my throat, my chest
My beating heart
My breath
How precious is life
How cherished are the blessings we have received
As individual soul, as communities, as a nation
Nothing lasts forever
But there is so much worth living for
Risking for
Voting for
Blessings my friends
You are precious souls
God loves you
Believe it
And be not afraid