I am a wanderer. I would say that I am a seeker, but sometimes I have no idea what I might be seeking, so I will stick with wanderer. This blog is more a public journal than anything. I don't claim to have life figured out. I simply stumble from mystery to mystery, and share my reflections along the way. Sometimes I feel burdened, and trudge. Sometimes? Well sometimes grace breaks through, and its time to dance.
Thursday, June 29, 2017
Looking through Sacred eyes
“It is an absolute human certainty that no one can know his
own beauty or perceive a sense of his own worth until it has been reflected
back to him in the mirror of another loving, caring human being.”
Joseph Powell
Looking in the mirror we see it all
The beauty perhaps
But it is most likely that we see
All the warts and wrinkles
The sagging chin
Every flaw jumps off the glass
And our eyes reflect back
All the emptiness and fear in our souls
Most of us (with rare exceptions) cannot appreciate
We are our own worst critics
And we cannot see our own beauty
But sometimes someone
Looks at us with the eyes of love
They see what is best
And they think we are wonderful
And we mostly believe it
And when that someone is God?
Wednesday, June 28, 2017
lost and found
“Most people felt lost after high school. Sometimes I felt
like I'd never really been found in the first place.”
Lish McBride, Hold Me Closer, Necromancer
In the dusty dying moments of a life
there are wonderings
an adding up of columns
debits and credits
doing the math
does it add up, this life?
have I made a difference for good,
or have I blundered through life,
like a drunken hit and run driver
doing more harm than good?
have I become what I was meant to be?
who was I meant to be?
do I even know?
what that true self looks like
plan A in the book of life?
have I followed my path
or merely let others determine who I am?
it is all a mystery
and perhaps that is the way it is meant to be
one day
one step at a time
left foot
right foot
left foot
being nudged by the Sacred
standing in the rain
“here I am
in this moment
doing the best I can,
doing what I care about
not really lost,
just on the way
to somewhere
Tuesday, June 27, 2017
All roads lead to us
“When you fly across the country in an airplane the country
seems vast; but it isn't vast. It's all connected by roads one can ride a bike
down. If you watch the news and there's a tragedy at a house in Kansas, that
guy's driveway connects with yours, and you'd be surprised by how few roads it
takes to get there.”
Miller, A Million Miles in a Thousand Years
like it or not
we are all connected
like it or not when something happens to one
it happens to all
when a person gets shot in Virginia
the road to that baseball field
leads to the end of my driveway
when a person loses their insurance
my well insured life is left more vulnerable
when someone is angry
it hurts us all
when one is joyful
we are all to rejoice
it has been said many ways
no one is an island
we are family
we are the body of Christ
and so we must speak with care
act with care
when there is a tear in the fabric
we cannot widen the wound
we cannot make it deeper
for our own benefit
the pain of the family
cannot be exploited
instead we must treat this “body” gently
we must treasure this family
no member is expendable
not the crazy Uncle
not the cruel father (or politician)
not the inebriated cousin
not the poor
the hungry
the naked
the imprisoned
the oppressed
the minimized
we must what we can
as best we can
for we are all connected
all roads
Monday, June 26, 2017
Hate is so convenient
“...I want my spirituality to rid me of hate, not give me
reason for it.”
― Donald Miller, Blue Like Jazz: Nonreligious Thoughts on
Christian Spirituality
no, no, no, no, no
hate is so convenient
I can hate people who area different creed
I can hate people whose words are different
whose skin is different
whose way of thinking is different
and thus I protect myself
for “they” are clearly
and I am clearly
if I don’t want to hate
I can hate the haters
and convince myself of my own spirituality
no, no, no, no
it doesn’t work that way
my hate is not different from their hate
hate is still hate
and it still destroys
it still feeds upon itself
and yet
there are this injustice
there are these lies
there is the choice to value money and devalue people
and I don’t know what to do
with those
how can my spirituality empty me of anger, disgust
how did Jesus stumble painfully to the cross
battered and covered with spit
and say
father forgive them
they know not what they do
today you will be with me
life can be deadly
“I once listened to an Indian on television say that God was
in the wind and the water, and I wondered at how beautiful that was because it
meant you could swim in Him or have Him brush your face in a breeze.”
Donald Miller, Blue Like Jazz: Nonreligious
Thoughts on Christian Spirituality
life can be deadly
day in and day out
life dictated by a scheduler
encounters in which nothing
(or little) happens
A mind disengaged
A heart disengaged
Putting in time
Finger on the time clock
Finger on the time clock
and yet there is the mountain
fresh with snow
and the wind
scented through the firs
and the sunset
Sacred grandeur
For those moments which God
Caresses our eyes, our nose
Our face
Our heart
Friday, June 23, 2017
Many kinds of death
“When the star dies,
Its eye closes; tired of watching,
It flies back to its first bright dream.”
there are many kinds of death
deaths that are as final a death
deaths that sneak into existence
killing you without
a clue
the death of innocence
and dreams
where what you assumed
proves false
and the destination you anticipated
becomes unreachable
I sit on the porch
on a cool day
watching the mountain disappear
behind the clouds
and realize that this is not
what I expected of life
it is better
it is worse
it is fulfilling
it is disappointing
sometimes I strain to see the mountain
hidden there
and strain to see
what has been and what will be
I put one foot in front of the other
But some days
I am tired
And my eyes can no longer seek
And they close
A little death
As dreams fade
With luck
With time
New dreams
Will come
Or not
Wednesday, June 21, 2017
Staring into Space
“In an age of hope men looked up at the night sky and saw
“the heavens." In an age of hopelessness they call it simply “space.”
Peter Kreeft
he thought
we simply lose the mystery
she becomes not love, or passion
not a beautiful things whose depths hold
but merely a lover, a wife
someone who secrets we no longer seek
each day becomes
merely routine
boxes on a calendar to be marked off
the sun rise is merely the sunrise
it just comes, and comes again
and then goes
gold to gray
and life, well life
is no longer about wonder
and dreams
no longer about love
but about responsibility, and pain
and angst
and we grow tired
and we no longer gaze into the heavens
but stare heavily
into space
Monday, June 19, 2017
Slow Down
You may have seen the bumper sticker that says, "If you
lived in your heart, you'd be home now." Now normally, little bumper stick
thoughts, especially spoken to me as wise spiritual advice, enrage me. I listen
nicely, while fantasizing about poking a fork into the person's head, like a
baked potato. But whenever I see this bumper sticker, it spritzes me into hope.
It reminds me that there is a place in me that is warm and safe and gentle,
unlike my usual pinball mind explosion of fear, judgment, doom, blame, and
corrective thoughts on how other people should behave better, and a structured
plan for how they can begin to do that.
Sometimes we just need to slow down,
Take a few breaths
And settling into our hearts
Snuggling down deep into the fabric of our being
Much like we snuggle down in our favorite chair
With a good book
This is the place God lives
This is the warm and safe place
This is where
Everything quiets
All the fear,
All the anxiety
This is where I can hear
More than my own voice
More than the voice of that bully who lives in my brain
More than the voices of my critics
Here in this still place
I can hear God
Gently whispering in my ear
“I love you”
Sunday, June 18, 2017
Beatitude people
If we do not transform our pain, we will most assuredly
transmit it." —Richard Rohr.
The images flutter on the TV screen
Websites throw headlines in our faces
Designed to shock, and even mislead
We look around us and see anger and bitterness
We hear people who should know better ridicule an aging
Who deserves better
We witness violence in our streets
Violence in our homes
We hear people once friends eviscerate each other
This is America
This is the World
Trump, ISIS
Terror in London
It takes its toll
Unless we disassociate our selves
It hits us where it hurts
Not our in pocketbooks
But in our souls
We not only carry love in our hearts
We carry pain as well
And pain like love must be expressed
Love trapped, dies
Pain trapped grows
And if we do not find a way to transform it
Into compassion, forgiveness generosity
It becomes the gift that keeps on giving
And pain begets pain
Violence, violence
Hate, hate
This the is the Good News
When the Sacred is awake
And prowling through our souls
Pain is transformed
And we become,
Beatitude People
“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom
of heaven.
“Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.
“Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.
“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they will be filled.
“Blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy.
“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.
“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called
children of God.
“Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’
sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
We have a choice
To nurture pain and be part of the problem
Or to transform pain
And be part of the solution
What is it going to be?
Saturday, June 17, 2017
Asking the right Questions
“Why do you pray?" he asked me, after a moment.
Why did I pray? A strange question. Why did I live? Why did
I breathe?
"I don't know why," I said, even more disturbed
and ill at ease. "I don't know why."
After that day I saw him often. He explained to me with
great insistence that every question possessed a power that did not lie in the
answer. "Man raises himself toward God by the questions he asks Him,"
he was fond of repeating. "That is the true dialogue. Man questions God
and God answers. But we don't understand His answers. We can't understand them.
Because they come from the depths of the soul, and they stay there until death.
You will find the true answers, Eliezer, only within yourself!"
"And why do you pray, Moshe?" I asked him. "I
pray to the God within me that He will give me the strength to ask Him the
right questions.”
Wiesel, Night
I ask a lot of questions
A lot
I am not sure they are the right questions
I am not sure I hear the answers
Or perhaps I hear them, and simply don’t understand
That is just the way life is
Why do bad things happen?
Why do leaders lie (when they don’t have to)?
Why are we so addicted to power?
How can people justify their mistreatment of the vulnerable
Why can’t I be the person I want?
Where or where is love?
I wish I knew the right questions
I wish I could find that inner place
Where the answers live
For in those questions
And in those answers
In that dialog with the Sacred
I will find
I will find
I will find
And perhaps I will finally know
How to be in this world
As a sacred
Friday, June 16, 2017
“Joy multiplies when it is shared among friends, but grief
diminishes with every division. That is life.”
R.A. Salvatore, Exile
we are in this together
souls bound by Sacred Presence
love holding hands
connected, woven into a Sacred fabric
we call community
there are many kinds of communities
work places
the local bar
the local play ground
how you know you are in a real community
and truly among friends
is that when you share a joy, your joy explodes and dances
from person to person, growing strong with the laughter
and the shouts of joy
when you share your grief
it gets lighter
with every touch of the hand
every tear
every murmured prayer
Thursday, June 15, 2017
Creeping into God
“Just as in earthly life lovers long for the moment when
they are able to breath forth their love for each other, to let their souls
blend in a soft whisper, so the mystic longs for the moment when in prayer he
can, as it were, creep into God”
Søren Kierkegaard
for all our talking
and all our reading
all our philosophizing
and all our theologized
for all the debates and dialogs we have inside our heads
and have outside our heads
the reality is that the reality of God
must be experienced
if we do not have that moment
when, like the lover who realizes he or she is in love
when we “creep into God”
and find our place there
or perhaps creep into the place
inside ourselves where God dwells
and find the Sacred there
and like a dog seeking
warmth, affection, and acceptance from its master
burrow up against the presence
we will never get it
and all the thinking, reading and debating
will take us not into truth
but into untruth
and love will become judgement
and grace will become law
and the living Word will become dead words on a page
and faith will become dogma
purity of heart is to will one thing (Soren Kierkegaard)
to draw near to God
and to allow God to draw near to us
faith is the intimacy of lovers
if it is not that
it is not faith
Tuesday, June 13, 2017
Don't lose the passion
“It's better to get lost in the passion than to lose the
Søren Kierkegaard
How much do we love the Sacred?
How much do we love the earth?
How much do we love our neighbor?
Our lover?
It is so easy to become careless
For life to become lost in the living
And love to be lost in the loving
We cannot lose our passion for the Sacred
We cannot lose our passion
For all good things
For when passion dies
We become those who seek what we have lost
In things that cannot give us what we seek
We seek them
We will do anything for wealth
Anything for power
But we end up
We have traded in life for a counterfeit
And no degree of power, no amount of wealth will work
We can even become President, and we will still be empty
For when our hearts harden
And passion for God, and others dies
We die too
no options
“If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have
chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a
mouse, and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your
Desmond Tutu
It is an unassailable fact
The vulnerable in our nation are being bullied
They are being shamed
And abandoned
They are being told they are worthless
They are being guilted
Their souls are being sold
For pieces of silver
For tax cuts for those
Already obscenely wealthy
They are seeing safety and possibility
Legislated away by people who, for whatever reason, fear or
hate them
Even the earth is under attack
By those who value money over life
Those that see it cannot remain neutral
We cannot stand by and say “let us see how it works out”
We must respond
We must act
It is not an option
When Jesus was asked to say what living a sacred / spiritual
life looks like he said,
It looks like feeding the hungry
Helping the poor
Protecting the stranger
Clothing the naked
And fighting for justice
And he left no room for prevarication
No room for lies
No room for empty brags
No room for meaningless disjointed blather
He told us what do
We must do it!
Sunday, June 11, 2017
“The present state of the world and the whole of life is
diseased. If I were a doctor and were asked for my advice, I should reply,
'Create silence'.”
Søren Kierkegaard
So many people talking
So much noise
Some of it is profound
Most of it is reactionary, impulsive
It is lies compounding lies
Misconceptions compounding misconceptions
Misunderstanding compounding misunderstand
We are witty
It seems
we would do better to
and then perhaps
say nothing at all
but ponder these things in our hearts
Friday, June 9, 2017
“We all of us need to be toppled off the throne of self, my
dear," he said. "Perched up there the tears of others are never upon
our own cheek.”
Elizabeth Goudge, The White Witch
ah my friends
it is all about “I”
so find your throne and perch on it!
the grab what you want
after all you are the king
you are the queen
and it is all about you
you having power
you having wealth
you having safety
it matters not if what you want has a cost
a planet for a little more profit in the American economy
no problem
cutting health care so that one might have
a few more dollars in one’s account
destroying education
neglecting children
abandoning the poor
is merely collateral damage
as one pursues essential selfishness.
sitting, perched on thrones of essential selfishness
there are no tears
there is no remorse
and the tears of the failing earth
the hungry child
the homeless person with bipolar
are never even seen
Thursday, June 8, 2017
Beatitude People
If we do not transform our pain, we will most assuredly
transmit it." —Richard Rohr.
The images flutter on the TV screen
Websites throw headlines in our faces
Designed to shock, and even mislead
We look around us and see anger and bitterness
We hear people who should know better ridicule an aging
Who deserves better
We witness violence in our streets
Violence in our homes
We hear people once friends eviscerate each other
This is America
This is the World
Trump, ISIS
Terror in London
It takes its toll
Unless we disassociate our selves
It hits us where it hurts
Not our in pocketbooks
But in our souls
We not only carry love in our hearts
We carry pain as well
And pain like love must be expressed
Love trapped, dies
Pain trapped grows
And if we do not find a way to transform it
Into compassion, forgiveness generosity
It becomes the gift that keeps on giving
And pain begets pain
Violence, violence
Hate, hate
This the is the Good News
When the Sacred is awake
And prowling through our souls
Pain is transformed
And we become,
Beatitude People
“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom
of heaven.
“Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.
“Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.
“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they will be filled.
“Blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy.
“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.
“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called
children of God.
“Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’
sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
We have a choice
To nurture pain and be part of the problem
Or to transform pain
And be part of the solution
What is it going to be?
According to Richard Rohr, via St. Francis, the way of Jesus
“asks us to let go, to recognize that there is enough to go around and meet
everyone’s need but not everyone’s greed. A worldview of enoughness will
predictably emerge in an individual as they move toward naked being instead of
thinking that more of anything or more frenetic doing can fill up our longing
and restlessness… This is hard for most
of us to even comprehend… Francis knew
that climbing ladders to nowhere would never make us happy nor create peace and
justice on this earth. Too many have to stay at the bottom of the ladder so we
can be at the top.
we have it so very wrong
we who make it all about “me” as the individual
my wealth
my power
my safety
we have it so very wrong
we who that that it is all about the individual
and that life is a contest
in which some win and some lose
the winners are worthy
and the losers?
well they are a waste of space
we have it so very wrong, thinking that
gathering to ourselves as much power, as much wealth as
is an appropriate goal
and that it matters very little how you get there
as long as you do
we have it wrong, thinking that it is OK to leave others
that we might get ahead
that it is OK to climb to success over the bodies of others
that it is acceptable and to use and abuse others if I gets
us what we want
this has left us with people who are so rich
they could not spend all they have, ever
while other people live in poverty
but its OK, really, because clearly the rich are worthy
people blest by God, people who have earned their reward
while the poor, they are simply losers
not worthy of healthcare, or food stamps, or and education
we have not learned that safety comes
when everyone has what they need
we have not learned that safety comes from being connected
not from excluding and minimizing
we have not learned that unless we all get there, together
we have failed
because we are in this together
and there is enough for everyone’s needs
if not for everyone’s greed
we have not learned that accumulation leads
only to more hunger
and to fear
that our relationship to power and wealth is addictive
and will ultimately
only destroy
we have it so wrong
Wednesday, June 7, 2017
Remember who you are
“God creates out of nothing. Wonderful you say. Yes, to be
sure, but he does what is still more wonderful: he makes saints out of
Søren Kierkegaard, The Journals of Kierkegaard
What is god about?
God is not so much about making saints out of sinner
(sorry Soren)
As God is about helping saints remember they are saints
And empowering them to live out their sainthood
God created us good
Full of potential, fire, love, hope, generosity, compassion
It is all in there, until seduced by power, and wealth
And the need for more, and more, and more
We eat the forbidden fruit
And lose our knowledge of good and exchange it
For what is fundamentally unnatural
Greed, fear, hate, anger, loathing, cruelty, apathy.
When we lose touch with ourselves
We take away healthcare from the poor
And make everyone not like “us” an enemy
We wrap cruelty in a lie
But Sacred presence can remind us
who we are
Tuesday, June 6, 2017
“How did I get into the world? Why was I not asked about it
and why was I not informed of the rules and regulations but just thrust into
the ranks as if I had been bought by a peddling shanghaier of human beings? How
did I get involved in this big enterprise called actuality? Why should I be
involved? Isn't it a matter of choice? And if I am compelled to be involved,
where is the manager—I have something to say about this. Is there no manager? To
whom shall I make my complaint?”
Søren Kierkegaard
It seems so unfair
That I should be so blessed
Growing up affluent, white, male
Relatively bright
Eventually somewhat handsome
A good education
No, a great education
Whitman, Princeton, SFTS
So many privileges
I have it all, and yet
Life does not always come together
It feels like Ikea without instructions
A jumble of things that don’t quite go together
And then I look around me
At people whose parents told them horrible things
Or abused them
At people who have never known anything but poverty
And who could not find a way
To get an education
Some of them are badly damaged indeed
But some of them, are happy
Loved and loving
Perhaps it is a matter of choice at some level
One chooses to be unhappy
Always looking for bigger, better, more
One can go for life pushing, grabbing, seeking, lusting
Or one can choose to accept life as it comes
Expecting love, looking for love, and
Finding it
Looking for what is best in a situation or
Even a person
And finding it
Perhaps one can go to the manager (who just might be God)
With gratitude
Rather than grievance
And maybe one can find a way
To be happy
To be
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