
Primitive religion is not believed, it is danced!

Arthur Darby Nock

Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
And only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.

Elizabeth Browning

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Hope is complicated

What’s the right thing to do?  What does this earth require of us if we want to live on it

          Wendell Berry


I don’t want your hope.  I don’t want you to be hopeful.  I want you to panic… and act as if the house is on fire because it is.

          Greta Thunberg


“Give justice to the weak and the fatherless; maintain the right of the afflicted and the destitute,” (Psalm 82:3).


“Learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, and please the widow’s cause,” (Isaiah 1:17).




The world is burning

lightening like Devil forks rain down from the sky


forests gasping for water


people gather

not to worship or pray

but to scream rage and listen to rage

word salad


promises of power and retribution

drop like pebbles

into empty hearts


leaving bent people


bullets fly

desperation and hopelessness

free floating anger



as politicians duck and children die


some stand aside

and watch

powerful enough, rich enough



powerful people don’t want regime change

rich people don’t want equity

the privileged don’t care about justice


and in this burning, dangerous world

sliding into chaos and destruction

we stand





Because God has this?

Because love wins?

Because someday, one day it will all be over

and we will walk streets of gold?


some dare to hope because they are shielded by privilege

some do not dare hope for anything

on this side of death

so look beyond


But is it that simple?

That God is in control,?

That resolution lies on “the other side”?


Hope is complicated (Brian McLaren, Life after Doom p. 73ff)

Hope cannot simply be “hope-ium… palliative care to the oppressed

between now and their death.” (p. 75)


Hope is not an anesthetic.

Hope is something we live.


It is fighting for justice and equity

feeding the hungry

giving water to the thirsty

It is resisting empire

and building community


It is the antithesis

of complacency

and despair


It is believing that we must do

what we can do

and that we can do



because we are Sacred Children

and in each of us

the Spirit has pitched a tent

and we are filled

to overflowing


Hope is seeing that the world is good

It is seeing God in the mountains

it is seeing God in the person next to us

it is believing that we can do small things

that matter


It is believing (as Brian McLaren puts it)

“We are really, really f@(ked  and at the same time that

life is really, really good”  p. 77


So today

I am going to have hope

and I am going to plot good

and then I am going to go to bed

and get up

and do it again!


(even if nothing changes)




Saturday, July 20, 2024

Words of the Prophets

The prophets spoke

cried out



as tyrants schemed

and empire flourished

and justice was denied


as inequity, inequity,

and the abuse of power became the norm


this must stop!

this is what the Lord requires of you


“He has told you, O mortal, what is good, and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice and to love kindness and to walk humbly with your God?” (Micah)


The prophets spoke

feeling the pain of the poor

seeing the neglect of the vulnerable

watching as the rich and power

treated the immigrants with disrespect


this must stop


“Woe to those who devise iniquity, and work out evil on their beds! At morning light they practice it, because it is in the power of their hand. They covet fields and take them by violence, also houses and seize them. So they oppress… “  (Micah)


The prophet spoke

and their words

echoed over empty cities

and broken walls


their words were blown aimlessly

through the ruins of palaces and sanctuaries


sometimes it is too late

sometimes the people will not listen

the people wanting power

the people comfortable in their affluence

the people blinded by resentment and fear


they do not listen

they do not hear


and they choose their doom

and it comes





sometimes, it seems

things have to die to be born again

sometimes the new

can only be built out of the rubble of the old


So in this time

when tyrants are given immunity

criminals are protected

justice is denied

prejudice is promoted

violence is ignored

hate is nurtured


the words of the prophets echo

amongst the crumbling edifices of a failing state

and God insists

that God will not be mocked


We are reminded that we can cry Lord, Lord

and not do the will of God

That we can claim faith and deny it


In the days of the prophets

the very structures that were to promote God’s presence

denied God’s presence

The halls of Justice were the places where justice was denied

The halls of power abused and manipulated


In the days of the prophets

God was denied and the people suffered


The days of the prophets

are here

Friday, July 19, 2024

Belief Examined

Faith is not belief unexamined

But belief born of deep thought…


Religion is not the captive of automated hearts

set to march in silent obedience

nor the museum of final thoughts

beyond which no questions are asked


it is the forum of the wise and wondrous,

the company of the healed and healers

the school of human imagination,

the blessed community of the Spirit

Gathered in the clear light of the open mind

          Steven Charleston,  Spirit Wheel, Broadleaf Books, p. 211



There are those moments

when sadness falls like a winter night

shrouding joy

blurring the space between precious souls


We sit, companionably


in a comfortable space forged by a lifetime


and yet there is a disturbance rippling

born of ideologies disparate

that odd rippling that comes when certainty meets questioning


that comes when final thoughts are nestled

and questions no longer rise

to the lips


where assumptions are held

assumptions about God and faith

assumptions about the other


my questioning soul meets the certainty

of one who is settled in her place


not just in the land, but also in

the communities that exist in this slow space

nestled in the mountains


but my questing mind which challenges everything

forgets to challenge

its own conclusions

and I assume much

and my assumptions shatter the ties that bind


Clinging precariously to my sense of rightness

and my hurt and resentment too

officiously opining

I challenge their certainty and replace it

with my own


openness lost

paradise lost


until my certainty circles around

and confronts me

and my heart is broken



and one estranged becomes


one loved and valued


now and always

and in the rubble of that liminal space

understanding grows

and the old wineskins crack and break

and new wineskins are created to contain


love, and compassion, and

we find each other