
Primitive religion is not believed, it is danced!

Arthur Darby Nock

Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
And only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.

Elizabeth Browning

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

is it not time

The psalms show us what justice looks like.

Justice maintains the right of the weak, and it rescues the needy (Ps. 82). It rejects the desire to take advantage of the vulnerable (Ps. 94). The just refuse to speak out of two sides of their mouth (Ps. 28). They aren’t bloodthirsty (Ps. 139), greedy (Ps. 10), or conniving (Ps. 94), and they don’t love violence (Ps. 11). Those who love justice actively reject all systems that oppress people (Ps. 58).


Who are the recipients of justice? All people alike require justice. But those who need it most, according to the Psalms, are what philosopher Nicholas Wolterstorff calls the “quartet of the vulnerable”: widows, orphans, poor, and resident aliens”


In other words, the very people being abandoned by the American right (those who paradoxically claim Jesus)


A Psalm for our times


God is

We know God

We know God

God is immanent and transcendent


God is in us

A spark

A roaring fire

A rushing wind

A spring of living wate


And God is just

And God demands justice


How long O Lord will this continue

How long with the liars, the frauds

The greedy

The abusive



How long will they sit in the seats of power

And in the courts of justice


A promote inequity, and inequality

How long will they make the rich richer

And the poor poorer


O God love

Change us!

Transform us

Give us new minds, new hearts

New eyes


Make us a people

Make us a nation

That defends the weak rather than shames them


That lifts the poor up rather than shames them


That defends the weak rather than ridicules them

That refuses to accept and sustain systems that oppress


Rather than worshiping the wicked

May we see them for who they are





They talk about God

They sell Bibles

They claim God’s favor

They claim God’s call


But they know nothing, they understand nothing.

They walk about in darkness;

all the foundations of the earth are shaken.


O God, is it not time?

Is it not time, before there is no time

For love to win?

Monday, April 22, 2024

Edge of Darkness

You know / so very well / the edge / of darkness / you have / always / carried with you,” ….

But your edge/ of darkness / has always /made / its own definition / secretly / as an edge of light


and the door / you closed /might, / by its very nature / be / one just waiting / to be leant against / and opened….

          David Whyte



The moon moved slowly


Slowly eradicating the light

Making all dark


The light was never gone

It was there, just on the other side of the darkness

Ready to return in its own time


And all we had to do was wait

For the light to return


There are of course

Many kinds of darkness

The darkness that comes from without

The darkness that we carry within


We are perhaps always on the edge of darkness

Threatening to fall in

To that black abyss

Of fear

Or hate

Or hopelessness


Terrorized by life

And impending loss, and death

we step into the darkness

and close the door


cowering in the dark

as the disciples cowered

in the upper room


in fear

in fear of what?

Them?  Those people?  Out there?

Or in fear of their frailty and failure

Their own limitations


How often do we too linger in the dark

On the edge of darkness

Which perhaps

Is also the edge of light


striking out blindly


at the monsters in the dark

that we cannot see

that may not be there

that may not be monsters?


What if that door we dread to open

Is the door that leads us into the light

Where life and love await

Where hope dwells

Where God’s new thing can happen?



Thursday, April 18, 2024

collateral renewal

You have heard of collateral damage. Now hear of collateral renewal. Every time we act in kindness, in mercy, in love: the impact of our actions radiates out to touch many more lives than the ones in our immediate vicinity. Others we do not know will be affected. The reverberations of our compassion will circle the world. Collateral renewal – healing rippling out, never ending.

                     Steven Charleston



On Friday Jesus was put on a cross

He went by choice

A choice not to meet violence with violence

Hate with hate


He could, perhaps have cursed his tormentors

He could have rained invectives on those gathered around him

Those who had beaten him

Nailed him to a tree

In order to steal his breath

The breath of God within him


Instead from that cross rained down






Drop by drop by drop

Love hit that immense sea of enmity


Creating ripples of renewal

That spread

Moving every outward




His disciples who could have

In anger

Turned to violence



Those who could have luxuriated in resentment



Christ’s love

Creating collateral renewal


We all see those who

Drop hate and resentment into the world

Those create collateral damage


They create ripples of anger

And we



Become smaller





They bring out the worst in use

And make this world hell


But still, love comes

Drop by drop

Filling us


So that we

“act in kindness, in mercy, in love”


We too have a choice

Even when the worst happens

Even then

To radiate compassion


To create collateral renewal


I don’t know what went on in the souls

The hearts and minds of the disciples

On that Saturday

During the great wait


But I hope what they heard were not the cries

Crucify him

But the gentle words

Forgive them

Today you will be with me in Paradise

Here is your mother

Here is your son


I hope I believe

That in that dead silence

Renewal happened


I pray that today

We, those who follow

Can choose love

That we can choose, even as we are assailed

By lies, and hate

By the abuse of power


To look with compassion

Even on our tormentors

Even those who wish us dead



We can act with kindness, mercy, and love

For what comes from the cross must be

Must always be


Monday, April 15, 2024


“Let Him easter in us, be a dayspring to the dimness of us, be a crimson-cresseted east.”

                                                                                      Gerard Manley Hopkins




may God “easter” in us all

no matter who we are


may Sacred rise

casting light

into the darkness


waking us up to our

essential beauty

and our original blessing


stirring our souls

into earnest acceptance

of Sacred Love


opening us up

filling, until


as the sun spills across the earth

caressing it and revealing its beauty

as the spring comes with its greening and blooming

bringing rebirth


the Sacred Presence spills forth from our

once parched souls

and kisses the earth

with love

Friday, April 12, 2024

The table is the point

If you are writing a play about [Holy Week}, the scenes would be table, trial (with its various locations), cross, tomb (burial), tomb (resurrection), and table. The table is the first setting, and it is the final setting of the story. Indeed, when the disciples want to meet Jesus again the next week, they return again to the upper room to meet him at the table.


They never return to the cross. Jesus never takes them back to the site of the execution. He never gathers his followers at Calvary, never points to the blood-stained hill, and never instructs them to meet him there. He never valorizes the events of Friday. He never mentions them. Yes, wounds remain, but how he got them isn’t mentioned. Instead, almost all the post-resurrection appearances — which are joyful and celebratory and conversational — take place at the upper room table or at other tables and meals.


Table - trial - cross - tomb - tomb - table.


What if the table is the point?

                     Diana Butler Bass



What if the table is the point?

What if community is the point?


What if Easter is, when all is said and done, about

People gathering




People listening to each other

Supporting one other

Being together when it is easy, and when it is not

Being together in the rejoicing and in the lamenting


What if Easter is about Jesus stepping in

And saving us

Not from God’s wrath

But from the enmity of the Rulers of the World


From hate and violence

From those forces that would divide and destroy


On this mountain the Lord Almighty will prepare a feast of rich food for all peoples,

a banquet of aged wine, the best of meats, and the finest of wines.

On this mountain he will destroy the shroud that enfolds all peoples,

the sheet that covers all nations;

   he will swallow up death forever.


In the great story of love

We move from a table, where feet were washed

Bread was broken

And wine was drunk


Out into a dark and painful world

To a garden of anguish

To betrayal

And abuse

To injustice and death


To a tomb filled and a tomb emptied

And ends up back in an upper room, that same room, perhaps

And at a  table

Where once again bread is broken

And by the Sea of Galilee


Where once again bread is broken

And fish are served


Food for the stomach

Food for the heart

Food for the soul


Perhaps the point is that because of Jesus

We can be together

We can be stuffed with all good things

We can be love


The table reminds us we are family

That we are stuck with each other

And we might as well love each other


It reminds us that faith is about being fed

And feeding one another


Perhaps the table is the point.  As Rachel Held Evans once wrote:

“This is what God's kingdom is like a bunch of outcasts and oddballs gathered at a table, not because they are rich or worthy or good, but because they are hungry, because they said yes. And there's always room for more.”