
Primitive religion is not believed, it is danced!

Arthur Darby Nock

Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
And only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.

Elizabeth Browning

Friday, November 29, 2024

Decisions, Decisions

This is a quote from my friend and fellow PCUSA pastor (Boise, Idaho), Andrew Kukla.   Think about what he writes here, in the context of how we sort out all the stuff coming in toward us from all sides, and how we make our decisions.


Remember, Paul urges us.  "Do not let the world shape you into its mold, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds." (Romans 12)


 "[Barth]...upon leaving Bonn, is rumored to say something to the effect of, “I have three words for you: exegete, exegete, exegete.”


Exegesis means literally “critical interpretation or explanation of a text”.  More than that it breaks down to mean “to draw out of”… as opposed to read into a text our meaning (eisegesis). Barth knew we had to be such interpreters not only of ancient texts… but of our everyday world.  And as we get fake news…. As we get radical mistruths masquerading as reality… I repeat those words:


Exegete my friends. Cultivate the ability of critical thinking. 

Ask who benefits… and who is protected.

Look for the words behind the words.

Break down and analyze the surface, the underlying, and the intent.

And evaluate it all…


The world needs us to do this hard work EVERY day.

There is no objective reality. But the reality of more people than I count needs you, and me, and all of us, to care to spend every day… exegeting!"


Exegete  Another way to say think critically! 

I love the question WHO BENEFITS?


And I will add this thought.  Too often our only concern is whether it benefits us.  But if that is our only criterion, and we do not think about the impact of our decision on vulnerable people.  Immigrants, for example.  People who are LGBTQI+.  Then we still may end up in the wrong place.


My faith system, most faith systems, asks us to think about others.

To pay attention to the pain around us, and to pay particular attention to those who are vulnerable.


Psalm 82:3 - “Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed.”

Psalm 140:12 - “I know that the Lord secures justice for the poor and upholds the cause of the needy.”

Proverbs 31:8-9 - “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.”

James 1:27 - “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”

Luke 14:13-14 - “But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed. Although they cannot repay you, you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.”

Isaiah 1:17 - “Learn to do good; Seek justice, Reprove the ruthless, Defend the orphan, Plead for the widow.”


Is it OK for me to make a choice that perhaps benefits me, if it leaves vulnerable people fearful, neglected, oppressed, or abused?


I would add one more thought.  It is not the end until it is the end.  I love what John Lennon is purported to have said:  “Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end.”


I believe in what is sometimes called repentance. I also believe in redemption and reconciliation


Repentance is a recognition that we are not on the right path, and a decision to turn around and go a different direction.  We need to constantly let the Sacred touch our hearts and minds and show us how we need to change our beliefs, values, and yes, our actions.


God never gives up on us.  That God can and will restore us, and God can and will draw us back together.  Somehow.  Someway.  If our hearts are open.


We can't quit trying to be God's people

Thoughts for today, precious souls!

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Anger Transformed

A lot of us are so angry. Angry that our inherent worth and dignity seems up for debate by those who have never had their worth and dignity questioned in courts of law. Angry that love of power seems to trump love of neighbor. Repurpose our anger into righteous action, Lord.


(Personal note: My fear is turning to anger and I am afraid that my anger can turn so easily to hate and hate is the thing I say I am against. Turn me away from hate. My heart can’t take that kind of brittleness because I need it to give and to receive love. Remind me that my heart is spoken for.)

              Nadia Bolz-Weber


I went to bed angry

I woke up angry


Or perhaps it was not so much anger, as emptiness

As if a void has opened up in my soul

As if love, hope, peace and joy

Have been sucked out of my core


Leaving a black hole

That I cannot fill


And that is the point I suppose

That I cannot fill that space

I can only offer it


Offer it to the One who is love.


Jesus said that he is the way.

A road

A road is something you walk on

A path that gets you from here to there

I can only seek to walk, step by step

Down that path, into the depth of Jesus’ heart

Hoping that perhaps, I am also walking

Step by step into my own heart


Come Lord Jesus

Is not an empty cry

Or an angry cry

Come Lord Jesus, and set things straight

Come Lord Jesus and make things right


It is so easy to let the emptiness fill with foul things

With hate

And a desire for retribution

With fear, and a desire to grab

Power and wealth

As a solution


But come Lord Jesus and fill my heart

With the love, joy, hope, and peace that has been lost.


Don’t transform them.

Transform me


So that in love, I can help change the world.


Yes, it seems helpless!

I cry with the Psalmist, “How long, O Lord, how long” (13)

I raise my anguished questions to the heavens

“Why does the way of the wicked prosper?

Why do all the faithless live at ease?”  (Jeremiah)


Teach me Lord

Walk with me down that road we make by walking (Paolo Freire)

That road we make with persistent love


I know I need to challenge

Those things that are not right in the world

I need to make Those who have fused with values and agendas

That are not Yours


so that they themselves may challenge

What they have blindly accepted


(There are many times I might well be wrong.

But some things, hate, fear, retribution, lies, and racism are clearly wrong)


I need to ask hard questions.

Not accusing, blaming, or shaming,

But asking those questions that, if answered may, may

Open hearts and minds


But I can only do that with others

after I have done that with myself


Lord, I am afraid, and my fear is turning to anger

And my anger might well turn to hate


Lord, remind me that heart is spoken for

And walk with me


Walk with me into the wilderness of my heart

Touch my brittle heart

Soften it


I am angry Lord

It is not wrong to be angry.


But turn me away from hate, so that I can share your Love



“Returning hate for hate multiplies hate,

adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars.

Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that.

Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” (MLK Jr.)

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Truth shall rise

"Easter says you can put the Truth in a grave, but it won't stay there."

Clarence W. Hall.



There was a day when the sky turned black

When the thunder rolled and the earth shook

And the way and the truth died


When those who followed the truth embodied

Love personified



When grief overcame hope


There was a day

When those who would dominate and control

Stood secure



They had won!

They had used the power of Empire

They had defeated, even eradicated

They were in control

They could celebrate and gloat

All was well


But though you can

Conquer, control, and oppress

Though you hold the power of empire in your hand

There is a deeper magic


You can kill and bury Truth, Love, and Hope

In the grave

But they won’t stay there


They will, ultimately rise,

As surely as the sun

As surely as the sun


During this time, as Empire gloats

And the angry and hateful ones dance

In Orc-like ecstasy

As those misled and deceived, even now

Believe that greatness has come

While others cower in fear, as Empire comes seeking them

Reading to deport, suppress, control

Even destroy


This certainty remains

Death is swallowed up in victory

The first shall be last, and the last first

Good will overcome evil


Love will not be mocked.

Empire can do what it will.

It can win elections, and legislate hate

It can put foolish and destructive people into positions of power


And the consequences of hate and fear will be what they have always been

Pain and destruction

Foolish leaders, full of themselves will do what they have always done

Abuse power


But in the end

Truth will rise out of the ashes created by lies

Love will rise out of the rubble created by hate

Hope will come, and replace the fear


Yes, the world will be in travail

There will be pain and trial

There will be times when we will wonder

And doubt

Some will die.  Some will be deported. Some denied care

Others oppressed


This is not a shallow hope.

It comes from understanding

That the deep magic of love is real


And that we can hope and against hope

That truth and love will rise

Even while some dance on their grave



Monday, November 4, 2024

Teetering on the edge of eternity

Tomorrow I travel

It is not a trip to Disneyworld

or to a beach somewhere far far away


It is to an area where there is enmity and strife

And perhaps a little danger


This journey, this pilgrimage has a purpose

And I am called to go

And so I will


But I feel my mortality.

I walk through my home seeing it

As if for the last time

Hugging what is precious to me close

And wondering what this space would feel like

With me gone


I see my spouse, my land, my animals

The mountain I love in a new way

The unbearable beauty

Of the earth

And of love relationships


I teeter on the edge of the unknown

The abyss of the new


It is not lost on me that tomorrow is also

Election day


And I feel the power and danger

What will happen

I think about my freedom,

I think about the nation as it is


Incredibly imperfect and flawed

And yet still

At this moment, my country


I think of the core values that drive me

Those my mother taught me

Who was a person who served

And my father who was a healer

And even my church, which (Presbyterian) fed me a steady diet

Of love and hope

Rather than hate and fear


I think of the values that shape this nation

(how every imperfectly those values are embraced and lived)


I think of freedom, safety

Equity, equality, justice, abundance


I am an idealist, I know

But I think of a nation that takes care of its vulnerable

And welcomes refugee and immigrant


A nation where one’s vote counts

And one can speak up (even, as we have seen, what is said is hateful and false)

Where children are educated AND protected

And women are not second-class citizens

And people have the freedom to worship how and whom they please

(not the freedom to impose their faith system on everyone else)


And I feel the mortality of our country

Its fragility


God knows we have never been

What we have aspired to (or even claimed)

But this has been a nation I have loved

With all its flaws


And I realize that even for nations

Life is fleeting

And there are moments of danger

When, in a moment, all can be lost


We stand precariously on the edge of the abyss

Will we slide into the darkness

Tumble into hate and fear, greed and inequity?


I feel all of this

In my throat, my chest

My beating heart

My breath


How precious is life

How cherished are the blessings we have received

As individual soul, as communities, as a nation


Nothing lasts forever

But there is so much worth living for

Risking for

Voting for


Blessings my friends

You are precious souls

God loves you


Believe it

And be not afraid

Friday, November 1, 2024

Living forward

Once we see that our deepest self, the real person in us is not limited to being any one particular image-self but is actually a Child of God, one who simply says “I am I, here, now”  -  once we really grasp that all need for this elaborate and expensive defense system evaporates  Then we are free to love others, to will abundant being to them, to all…


Our sense of feeling good in being ourselves does not come from any kind of contrast or comparison with others  It comes directly and immediately out of our realization of being a creative act of God, simply unique and absolutely precious.


We [should] have a sense of ourselves as the process of be-ing, as an ever-renewed act, a continuous motion of living, which is God’s ever-present act of creating us.  Looking toward others we sense them also as creative acts of God, being made fresh from moment to moment, not limited to the descriptions of their past qualities or acts…

              Beatrice Bruteau, Radical Optimism, p. 69  Sentient Publicatons, 1993, 2002



This morning the world changed.

Brown and gold became white.

As the world

Ever renewed, despite our best attempts to destroy it

Became, in a moment, something new


And here am I

A creative act of God

Always changing, being ever renewed

A child of God


Creation and I both reflect God

We are both, in our own way, incarnations of a God who

Is transcendent, immanent, and cosmic


I sometimes call the reality that we experience through creation, God

But the name God is inadequate for the task

It touches on the transcendence of God perhaps

The fact that God is “beyond”


To transcendent we have to add cosmic

Which reminds us that God is not only vertically beyond imagination

But is also horizontally transcended, broader and wider than we can contemplate

covering and embracing all


And then there is immanence. Presence

The Sacred being woven into the fabric of creation,

Into the rocks and trees, mountains and rivers

Flora and fauna


Woven into us as human creatures

Into me.  And you.


So, we have God

this transcendent, Cosmic, immanent being

this reality is that beyond

that is Sacred

that is Love


Once upon a time this reality

The Sacred, Creative, Loving

Something bigger


Became a focused presence

In a child, an adolescent, a man we call Jesus


And we were reminded of the nature of

What I will call God (it is just easier)


And we were reminded who we are

Children of God

Creatures in the process of be-ing,

as ever-renewed acts of creation

always growing and changing

surrounded by others, by a creation

that is constantly being renewed (day by day)


In a sense I cannot, need not be defined

Any more than God can be defined


I am a presence, I have this body

But I am transcendent, as I participate in God

And I am cosmic, as I but necessity must also be

Connected to all other human creatures (and more)


“I am you, and you are me and we are all together”

Who could have known Lennon and McCartney would get it right?


I love the idea that I am being made fresh, moment-by-moment

And I love the idea that each person

Is being remade moment by moment

Every other person

Kamala, Donny, that person who can’t control their use of alcohol

Who lives down the street

That person who helped me, and the one who hurt me

The one who looks like me, and the one who doesn’t

The MAGA Republican, the Democrat

The Indigenous person, the immigrant



All are creative acts of God.

And I can look at myself, and look at others

Without being limited to their past qualities

Or their past acts

Their past success or failures


For they are constantly being created

And are unique and absolutely precious.


This gives me hope, because who knows what God can do

With me, with you, with them

This gives me the capacity to forgive

Because each person, even Donald Trump is poised right on the edge

Of newness


It is easy, in this time of strife and chaos,

in this time marked by hate and violence (verbal and physical)

To give ourselves, and those around us, hard edges

To define people as static and stuck

They are a libtard


an animal


male, female, black, white, and everything in between


enemy, friend


but what if we understood that this moment is only a moment

and in the next moment we, they, can be different

will be different


What if we tried to live forward

Not just live forward but live forward in expectation and love

Uniting with others where they are

In this moment

Knowing it is just a moment

And that love and forgiveness, hope and joy

Just might change who they are

In the moments to come?

And change us too?


Can we give each other

That gift?