
Primitive religion is not believed, it is danced!

Arthur Darby Nock

Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
And only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.

Elizabeth Browning

Friday, January 3, 2025

What does God want?

“I won’t take no for an answer,”

God began to say

to me


when He opened His arms each night

wanting us to


                             St. Catherine of Siena



what does God want from me?

the question haunts




as I plod through each day

seeking answers


ah, for certitude

to know,

to know that I am good



to know I am becoming, me


and then the answer comes

“I want you to stop worrying!

all I want is your love

all I want is for us to dance

through life.


all I want is for you

to know you are loved

as you wallow

in the questions


you don’t need all the answers


just be loved

just love



and thus my New Year’s Resolution for this year

receive love, accept love

nurture love

give love


no more, no less

that is all

that is enough


Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Be A Gift

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus says that those who live the Beatitudes will be “the salt of the earth” (Matthew 5:13). What does he mean by such an image? 


First of all, he’s not saying that those who live this way are going to heaven. He is saying that they will be a certain kind of gift for the earth. What a misinterpretation has been handed on, again and again! We think of Jesus’ teaching as a set of prescriptions for getting to heaven (even though we haven’t followed them). No, the Sermon on the Mount and especially the Beatitudes are a set of descriptions of a free life.


When we can weep, when we can identify with the little ones, when we can make peace, when we can be persecuted and still be joyful—then we are doing it right. He’s saying this is what holiness will look like. When we act this way, “the reign of God is among you” (Luke 17:21). 

              Richard Rohr (12/30/2024)



I have a dream

The dreamer said

That we will be free, free at last


Free to?

Free from?

Free to be?


Free to control?

Free from pain and despair

Free to be


                              Powerful? Rich? Dominant?


Perhaps the critical question is this

To what are we bound?

What controls, traps, and limits us?

From what do we need to be set free?


A need for power?


              Hate? Bias?



Perhaps when we are free

              We step away from the self

To find the self


We are free (and blessed) when we can let go

              Of all those standard definitions

                             Of greatness, freedom, safety, blessing

And engaged the world in a new way


We are free when we can weep,

              identify with the little ones

                             exchange power for servanthood

ache for equity, equality and justice


When we can embrace

              the poor and the mournful

                             the oppressed and excluded


This makes us salty, the spice of the earth

It makes us yeast, the leaven of the world


People who bend the arc of the universe

Toward love