
Primitive religion is not believed, it is danced!

Arthur Darby Nock

Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
And only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.

Elizabeth Browning

Saturday, July 16, 2011

God uses anyone!

In reading through the Judges I ran across a Judge named Deborah
Deborah!  Really
A woman… not exactly the leader of choice in Old Testament Israel

But we have to remember, God can, and will, us anyone to carry out his work.  And he often uses the very people the world might consider suspect to do his work.  And it works!  But God’s work is all about God, not all about the people God uses

We forget this sometimes.  There is a humorous statement that goes like this.  “Vengeance is mine saith the Lord, but I enjoy being His tool.”  Cute.  And kind of right.  God does work through us.  It is his power.  It is his work.  It is all about God.  And God is no respecter of  character, ability, or talent.  God picks people of faith…

Faith is the conduit.  When it is present?  Let the power of God flow!

A second thing to notice.  Deborah didn’t do it by herself.  A guy named Barak was also involved.  It is often that way.  God generally is not all that enamored with Lone Rangers.  God likes to use teams of people.  He puts people together, who together have the tools needed, and puts them to work

Most people agree that I am a visionary.  I am good at coming up with great idea.  Developing visions related to programs.  But when it comes to details.  Most people agree I am kind of hopeless.   I remember once when I was putting together a program for visiting Azeri physicians.  Two weeks of targeted experiences and meetings.  I want to tell you.  I put together an amazing program.  It was remarkable.  I even impressed myself.

And then my wonderful assistant Nancy said.  Steve…. How are we going to get them to all these experiences?  And are they going to eat?  You don’t have any meals in here!.  Cars?  Provisions for meals?  OK, a detail person I am not. 

Nancy and I were a great team.  Deborah and Barak were a great team. 
We need each other
Boy do we need each other.  When we are really effective, often it is when we work together, blending our strengths, compensating for our weaknesses.

Some people need my vision.  I need some people’s attention to detail.  Some people are good a speaking.  Others are good a doing the behinds the scenes efforts.  Some people cook food.  Others wash dishes. Some people listen.  Others mow lawns.  It is when we work together that we find ourselves able to do what needs to be done.  And it is together that the wholeness of God’s work emerges.

It is as we value each other.  Respect each other.  That we become people who can “get the job done.”
Deborah.  She had faith.  Barak.  Well he had skill, as a general.  Together.  They were amazing
OK, a final point.  In order to create the victory God uses everything available.
In this story God used what was available –         a high hill, and crappy weather
God can use anything, not just any one, but anything
Any circumstance, and situation, any environment, to do his work.

Paul knew this… and so in Romans 8 he writes these words :  In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God's will. And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

God can use things… a physical pain to get us to pay attention… save a life?
                                     A difficult situation at work to create a new solution
                                     A job loss to move one a new direction
God is the great innovator…. Can do anything with.. well, anything!
Think of something, anything!
Failure?  God can use it
Success?  God can use it
Tragedy?  God can use it
Guilt?  God can use it
Economic problems?  God can use them
Friendships?  God can use them
Adversity?  God can us it….

Don’t believe it?
What can anyone do with the abuse?
What can anyone do with torture?
What can anyone do with a slow death on a cross?
What can anyone do with death?

But God used all of that to bring hope and love to the world?
Do you think he can’t use the circumstances in our lives?

All things work together for good for those who love God

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