
Primitive religion is not believed, it is danced!

Arthur Darby Nock

Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
And only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.

Elizabeth Browning

Monday, June 13, 2022

On Extremism

I will not tire of declaring that if we really want an effective end to violence we must remove the violence that lies at the root of all violence: structural violence, social injustice, exclusion of citizens from the management of the country, repression. All this is what constitutes the primal cause, from which the rest flows naturally.*

Oscar Romero


“We are living in modern times throughout the world and yet are dominated by medieval minds.”

Eqbal Ahmad


Now, really, how arch

Can you be when you march

With a sword,

With a spear?

You belong


To a curious team,

You're in the extreme,

Maybe left,

Maybe right,

Maybe wrong.”

Walt Kelly, The Pogo Poop Book



perhaps I am wrong

I want to be wrong

But it seems like an inconvertible truth


extremism makes a person blind

as  Clint Eastwood (great philosopher that he is)

once said

“Extremism is so easy. You've got your position, and that's it. It doesn't take much thought. And when you go far enough to the right you meet the same idiots coming around from the left. (Interview, Time Magazine, February 20, 2005)”


extremism makes a person rigid

extremism narrows a person’s world down

but most of all


extremism makes a person cruel


by definition extremists are on

the end of the spectrum


it does not matter which end


and they deem as unacceptable anything to the left (or right)

of their position


which means that almost everything is unacceptable


and if it is unacceptable, it must be irradicated


even destroyed


which means extremism is cold, and it is cruel


I have seen Vegans bemoan humans killing animals

but joke about animals killing humans



I have seen liberals celebrate when people on the right end of the spectrum

Face difficult times


And conservative suggest liberals ought to be put in “camps”


We have seen the rush to ban abortion by pro-life (really pro-birth) extremists,

a campaign that is now bearing fruit


while protecting the lives of zygotes and fetuses

this movement totally and cruelly abandons

the female human creatures who carry them


ignoring incest and rape

ignoring age

ignoring, ultimately, the child who is born


functionally abandoning them (because of their political orientation)

once born

to violence


gun violence




cruelly forcing both mother and child

into a lifetime of pain


sure, it’s complicated

but that is the point

it is complicated

and there is no room in extremism for complications

for inconvenient truths


so it is OK to destroy a 13-year-old girl

who has been raped

and consider her agony an “opportunity”


Ok to demand the right to bear arms

And ignore the


extremism leads to violence

not just physical violence, such as that seen on January sixth

but emotional,


relational violence


extreme anything can do great harm



it is extreme love

which does not stake a spot

at any one place on the spectrum

but in love

embraces the whole spectrum


I can only think of Jesus on the cross

Arms stretched wide

Reaching out to the criminals on either side

Arms stretched wide

Embracing the tormentors below him

Embracing the mourners below him

Embracing the disciples, the women, the Romans

His friends, his enemies



Any ideology, theology

Any stance we would embrace

Any value


Must always be subservient to love

If your love of zygotes negates your love of the woman

who happens to carry that zygote?

There is a problem


If your love of guns negates your love

Of children

There is a problem


If your love of power

Negates your love of equity, or equality

There is a problem


If your love of money

Negates your love of people


Even love for the oppressed

Can lead to an abandonment of love!


As I said, it is complicated


It seems as if the only form of extremism that is healthy

The extremism that says

(and perhaps there are exceptions even here)

I will not leave the planet behind

I will not leave the flora and fauna behind

I will leave no human creature behind


I will love

and do the best I can

to eradicate hate

and violence


toward anyone

toward anything


I will inch my way toward

that extreme place

illustrated by Jesus on the cross


and embrace all

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