
Primitive religion is not believed, it is danced!

Arthur Darby Nock

Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
And only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.

Elizabeth Browning

Friday, December 27, 2024

People and places unexpected

It is often said at Christmastime that Jesus is born into every family and every heart. But these “births” must not make us forget the primordial, massive fact that Jesus was born of Mary among a people that at the time were dominated by the greatest empire of the age. If we forget that fact, the birth of Jesus becomes an abstraction, a symbol, a cipher.… To the eyes of Christians, the incarnation is the irruption of God into human history: an incarnation into littleness and service in the midst of the overbearing power exercised by the mighty of this world; an irruption that smells of the stable….

Gustavo GutiĆ©rrez The God of Life, trans. Matthew J. O’Connell (Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1991), 85.



Jesus is Born!

Emmanuel is here!

The Word has become flesh and dwells among us.


But where do we find him?

This one who came to bring down the mighty

And lift up the poor?


Where does he abide?

Where is he to be found?


It is not enough to say he dwells in human hearts.

That he “tents” in our souls

A reoccurring incarnation


When God came he came into history, into Palestine

Into a land of oppression and poverty

Into the pain and  miseries of humankind


If he were to incarnate today, where would he be born?

Not in places of power and wealth

Not this one

Who chose not Jerusalem but Bethlehem

Not a palace but a barn


Perhaps he would arrive in Bethlehem again

Where walled in, oppressed, and poor people

struggle to survive


Perhaps he would be born in a doorway

On a cold and rain-swept street In America


Or in the rubble of a home in Ukraine or Gaza

Anywhere there is loss and pain, oppression and violence


Jesus came to be God with us

He came to be an irruption and a disruption

To break down the systems of power and wealth

Oppression and suppression


Jesus’ place is with those very people the world would discard

The poor.  The powerless.  The “different.” The addicted and afflicted.

If we would worship him,

We must worship him there

In places and people unexpected


We do not take Jesus there (as we sometimes think)

We are taken there by the Christ in us


To love, and honor

The Word

Incarnate in unexpected people

Adoring him, like the Magi

And offering gifts

Of Compassion, Kindness, and Forgiveness

And receiving back

The precious gift that is the child

Born under a wandering star

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