
Primitive religion is not believed, it is danced!

Arthur Darby Nock

Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
And only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.

Elizabeth Browning

Saturday, March 27, 2010


I ran across a quote the other day.  I may not have it quite right, and I don't remember who said it, but its essence stayed with me, rattling around in my skull, and resurfacing often enough that I started thinking more about it.

Essentially it went like this.  "Christianity is not a message which has to be believed, but an experience of faith that becomes a message."
This reminds me that what must shape my faith, shape my beliefs, shape my message, shape my attitudes and behaviors, must be my experience of Christ's love.  That love that will not let me go. It is that experience that changes everything.  It is not the dogma, the words.  Indeed if I focus on the dogma I find myself being pulled into ways of being I don't like.  Sometimes I find myself being judgmental.  "Well if they were REALLY Christian they would (or wouldn't ) support health care reform."  I find myself being judgmental of those who are being judgmental.  "Those people are hateful and I hate people like that."
Focusing on dogma, on the oughts, and shoulds and musts of faith leaves me feeling unsettled, insecure, and frankly a little down.  But focusing on my experience of Christ's love makes a huge difference. To be loved the way Christ loves - with a love that led to the cross, to death.  What a love!  When I think about it, I am stunned.  Christ doing the unspeakable, going the way of death, for me.  Me!

That love frees me.  It frees me from wallowing in shame, remorse, self hatred and guilt.  It frees me from getting locked in to self-destructive ways.  It frees me to be open to God's love and compassion.  Yes, we can block even God's love.  When I focus on the "words" of faith I end up trapped in low spiritual self-esteem.

But when I focus on the experience of Christ's, and ultimately God's love?  Then I can accept God's acceptance of me.  And I am free to be open.  Free to risk.  Free to love others.  I don't have to live and act in fear.  And it is in that moment that I really have a message.

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