
Primitive religion is not believed, it is danced!

Arthur Darby Nock

Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
And only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.

Elizabeth Browning

Friday, May 7, 2021


A quick etymology of the word will help: kaluptein is the Greek word for “to cover” and apo means “un,” so apokaluptein means to uncover or unveil.


What apocalyptic means is to pull back the veil, to reveal the underbelly of reality…


We would have done history a great favor if we would have understood apocalyptic literature. It’s not meant to strike fear in us as much as a radical rearrangement. It’s not the end of the world. It’s the end of worlds—our worlds that we have created…


                               Richard Rohr, Daily Meditations, week of April 25th, 2021



let’s hear it for the apocalypse


not our misunderstood concept apocalypse

as looming destruction, impending finality


but for apocalypse as an uncovering

of those things we need to see

need to know


so that we can learn to let to go,

learn to slough off the dead and rotting things

that do not belong in the Kingdom of Love


let’s hear it for the apocalypse

for those moments when we really see


those around us


for those times when Sacred

shakes us up and forces us into radical change

and reveals looming joy and impending newness


we often resist apocalypse


oh sure, there are those souls

who, thirsting for retribution, and blindly sure of their

own special standing with God


seek a stunted and twisted version of apocalypse

wishing ill upon all but the “chosen” (them)


but for the most part

we don’t like disruption

no matter how miserable we are

we hang on to the old with grim determination


preferring old to new


and so we blind ourselves to our own dark underbelly

to our lust for domination

our greed

our bias


instead of allowing God to show us reality

and push us into to repentance and change

we grimly deny reality


we project our own sin onto others

accusing them of being who we are

we hide behind a distorted piety


we call good evil, and evil good

we exchange the truth for a lie


but Love is persistent

Love reveals all


Let’s hear it for the “mind of Christ”

given by the Spirit


let’s hear it for wind and fire



Sacred shaking us up





opening our eyes to everything

to those things in the world that need to change

to those things in us that need to change


opening our eyes to beauty

to the sacred nature of each person we see


let’s hear it for apocalypse

for the unveiling

for the moving and the shaking

for the letting go

for the going forth


let’s hear it for the radical rearrangement

that moves us out of the messes we have made


let’s hear it for the end of world

as we know it




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