There are many ways in which we taste Nothingness and we
will consider some of them here:
Metaphysical nothingness of non-being or of our
Psychological nothingness of feeling oneself to be a
nobody or forgotten or utterly ignored.
Political nothingness of being subjected to less than
human circumstances by decisions of the powerful decision-makers.
Being a woman in a patriarchal world.
Being a person of color in a world where white supremacy
Being a gay or trans person in a world of homophobia and
Being poor or homeless when possessions are the test of a
human being.
Fox, Daily Meditations 8/10/22
the sun may grudgingly arise
breaking through the clouds for a moment of color
but then all becomes
50 shades of gray
and the light is subsumed by the darkness
and we are left with nothing
we feel it
we taste it
it is bitter bile in our stomachs
it is the tightness in our chests
it is a hundred TVs, all tuned to different channels
chattering in our heads
nothing makes sense
the poor championing those who oppress them
freedom fighters fighting against freedom
truth seekers trusting liars
this is a world that makes us nothing
and leaves us stumbling in the dark
reaching out for someone anyway
lashing at everyone
this is a world that sucks us dry and leaves our souls
and leaves us vulnerable
to the liars, the predators, the manipulators, the
when we taste our nothingness
hate and fear rule us
control us
shape us
we react, blindly, mindlessly (or with ideologically
impaired minds)
we cheer a Supreme Court that stands for nothing (other
than power and wealth)
we blindly follow a narcissist
we enable (and even worship) our abusers
or we live hopelessly
believing that nothing will ever be right again
we are defined by nothingness
women in patriarchal darkness
people of color in the darkness of white supremacy
peacemakers in a world dominated by guns and violence
LGBTQI+++ in a world that denies their humanity
followers of Jesus in the darkness of hate-filled Churchianity
but there is something
there is a reality, a power, a Love
that overcomes the darkness
that same something, someone
Jesus talked about, again and again in the dwindling
of the upper room
as the darkness encroached
and all would soon become
there is that Love
we can trust
trust to be with us
trust to stay with us
trust to work with us
trust to empower us
trust to help us through the darkness
to something
beautiful and powerful
to Love
the world may try to make us nothing
but if we trust in love
we are quite something!
The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness does
not overcome it (John 1)
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