
Primitive religion is not believed, it is danced!

Arthur Darby Nock

Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
And only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.

Elizabeth Browning

Monday, November 21, 2022

wishful thinking

Wishing is a way to figure out what our heart wants

It is us, picking our way through the deep forest,

Seeking that path to our destination.


There is something special (as Frederick Buechner understood)

And something spiritual about wishful thinking

And about whistling in the dark


Metta phrases are like wishing

Wishing one’s self well

Wishing other’s well

Wishing even one’s antagonists well


An aspiration for wellness

For whomever we direct the wish


May I be safe

May she be well

May he/she (that person who torments me) be happy


And prayer too!

I often wander through my day muttering at God

Hey God, are you there?

Seriously, God?

A little help!

Thank you!



When I pray I am not telling God what to do

(Some like to do that, but not me)

I am sending my heart wishes to whatever it is

That I participate in

That participates in me       


Whomever it is that dwells in my deepest places


I am seeking connection and

Stating my deepest hopes


Prayer is the cry of my heart

For hope, or healing

For peace and joy

For love


Not just for myself

But for our poor planet

For the beautiful creatures who inhabit it

And for human creatures too


We poor, afflicted, wounded, misguided

Fearful, confused





Prayers that we will come to our senses

Prayers that we will find healing

And generosity

And welcome

Without our own frail bodies


And then offer those same gifts

To others


Wishful thinking indeed


Today I share the wishes of my heart

May I be free from enmity.

May I be free from hurtfulness.

May I be free of troubles of mind and body.

May I be able to protect my own happiness.


May you be free from enmity.

May you be free from hurtfulness.

May you be free of troubles of mind and body.

May you be able to protect your happiness.


May all beings be free from enmity.

May all beings be free from hurtfulness.

May all beings be free of troubles of mind and body.

May all beings be able to protect their happiness.


Today I will wish us all well

May all our wishes, hopes, and prayers

Come true


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