
Primitive religion is not believed, it is danced!

Arthur Darby Nock

Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
And only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.

Elizabeth Browning

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Sometimes I Pray

sometimes I pray

or something like it


sometimes as I feel the pain of the world

and see the suffering

as the powers and principalities

do their malevolent thing


I find myself muttering under my breath

to someone, something






wouldn’t it be nice to be able to simply

call upon Love, and have it simply show up

healing, calming, protecting


I saw a meme the other day

“heaven is holding a conversation about you right now

 angels have been assigned, [God] is at work on your behalf”


there is a part of me that wishes this were how it worked

that I, one of millions and billions on a planet in a galaxy in a universe

could call upon that power in which we live and breathe and have our being

and bend that will to my will


there is a part of me that feels this kind of individualistic

perception is flawed

as if Sacred is at my beck and call

as if I can use prayer for myself

(or even use prayer against you!)


does it work?

it seems to, sometimes!

but then there are those other times


and if it works for me, then why not for you?

why am I comfortable and healthy

while you are without a home or in agony?


is that creative loving power so random?

biased? selective?

does God play favorites?

does this have to be earned?


why do bad things happen to good people?

and very, very, bad people flourish?


none of this really makes sense

and yet


I keep muttering, keep praying

for it goes beyond wishful thinking


for there is something in the universe

and in me

that when focused can create

can heal

can love


it is there, that power

and somehow, when,

through prayer,

through angry words thrown into the sky

through passionate painful pleas

we open the universe, ourselves, a crack


something happens


when we, along with others

in community

dredge this power up and focus it

on a person, a problem

intending good


something happens

beyond that?

I have no answers

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