
Primitive religion is not believed, it is danced!

Arthur Darby Nock

Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
And only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.

Elizabeth Browning

Monday, August 19, 2024

One Wild Hunger

… it’s not such a wonder that when

we open the gate to all that is fierce


and fearful inside us,

when we hold our hands like begging bowls,

our hearts like candles,


the wolf within will want

to lay its soft head

upon our laps and we see

there is no more wolf and me


just one wild love,

one wild hunger.

          Christine Valter Paintner



our souls

(our deep inner self)

are full of hungry ghosts

and terrible wolves

and slouching foul beasts


and we for our part

shut down

part of who we are

that dreadful fearsome part

we dread






hoping we can keep the chaos contained

the fierceness tamed


and so we are fragmented

partial people

not whole

always a little bit paranoid

looking over our shoulders to make sure

that we have not broken loose

that the gates have not been breached


we move furtively through life

dodging, hiding



But then, perhaps


we find ourselves face to face

with ourselves


and if we dare welcome

audaciously embrace

those parts of us from which we have been alienated


we find ourselves becoming whole



our created-to-be selves


we discover


that we are terrible and beautiful

fierce and soft

hopeful and fearful

good and not-so-good

all at the same time


But that this mixed up



is one wonderful

slightly weird

wild child


but a child of God

and we no longer have to hide


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