
Primitive religion is not believed, it is danced!

Arthur Darby Nock

Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
And only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.

Elizabeth Browning

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Called to unbelief

Sometimes God calls a person to unbelief in order that faith may take new forms. 

          Christian Wiman, My Bright Abyss 


The truth is we are all on a wilderness journey out of some form of slavery.

          Brian McLaren


How will I know when I find what I seek?

          Christine Valters Paintner



Today is a day for wandering and wonder

I am always a little bit homeless



I am always a little bit homesick

Looking for that place to settle

For the promised land

Full of milk and honey


That place of peace

Of certainty and belonging


I am not complaining mind you

Or perhaps maybe I am


But I do not want to die

The same creature as the one who started

This journey through the wilderness

This tortured, twisted, thirsty



Life and faith are all about





It’s a risky process

Fraught with mountains

and rivers

and the occasional abyss


those moments of scaling the cliffs

and those terrifying times

when I slip and slide into the primordial ooze


sometimes I want to go back

to comfort

to old ways

I want to wander paths well-known

Imprinted on the earth of my soul

So deeply


But there is danger there too

In those deeply worn ruts

That keep returning me

To the same place


To the slavery of old beliefs

And old ways

And old mistakes


Today is a day for wandering and wondering

Learning and growing

For picking up a few shards of wisdom

And for throwing a few away


Like dry twigs

Into the fire


The ancient lands that stretch out

Behind me

Are not all wilderness

There are places here and there

Where water sprang up

And manna fell


But those places are not for sojourning

They are for momentary rests

Along the way


Along the road I make by walking

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