
Primitive religion is not believed, it is danced!

Arthur Darby Nock

Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
And only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.

Elizabeth Browning

Thursday, July 11, 2024

The curse of certainty

… hopelessness can assume two forms.  It can be presumption, praesumptio, and it can be despair, desperato.  Both are forms of the sin against hope.  Presumption is premature self-will anticipation of the fulfillment of what we hope for from God.  Despair is the premature arbitrary anticipation of the non-fulfillment of what we hope for from God.

          Jurgen Moltmann



They are everywhere

Those confident and certain ones

Who ask for, and believe they have

By default

God’s blessing


God Bless America!



They know what they want.

And with the power of will

And God’s blessing, they willfully create the future

They hope for


A future when they win



Where all their resentments can be satisfied

And all their fear vanquished.


They presume God is on their side

And they act accordingly

Without constraint

Without compassion


God is our God

We are God’s people

We count

They don’t


Power is divinely given

and cannot, therefore, be abused


Thus we have the emergence

of a fascist movement

Thus we have overt manipulation (when possible)

of all systems, economic, political, and judicial




And then there are so many

of the rest of us

caught up in hopelessness and despair

all too certain

that God is going to be a no-show


That God, as so often happened in history

will simply not help bring into reality









faded hope


We anticipate that we will lose

and we become caught up in

fight and flight

or, more likely, freeze


During COVID my church sought to move

from “lament to hope”

now we are seeking to “live into hope”

but it feels like we are sliding backward from hope to lament


How do we actually reclaim hope?

We cannot, certainly, have hope for the wrong things

those things defined by human will

We cannot have an unrealistic hope

so idealistic that it will not, perhaps, ever be

a hope that is perfectionistic and unobtainable


how often do we see progress rejected

and things that are good denied

because they are not “enough”


What we need to hope for is a world

in which those things that are Love

That are God



Where the hungry are fed

the naked clothed

the oppressed set free

the thirsty given water to drink


These are possibilities (are they not)

and hope is constantly moving toward what is possible

Hope (Moltmann says)

is not striving “after things that have “no place”

but after things that have “no place YET”


But we have the belief

that they can

and yes,

they will


We have faith in the one

who make all things new


Right now hope is hard

the presumptive have the rest of us despairing


So it comes down to this

do we believe that God will simply let whatever

the presumptive human will determines happen?

Do we believe, based upon not just this moment, but also the past



that what we hope for will be denied


or do we dare believe that somehow, in some way, at some time

God will make things new?


Tonight, for me

the answer is too close to call


But I want to,

I really do,

live into hope

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