
Primitive religion is not believed, it is danced!

Arthur Darby Nock

Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
And only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.

Elizabeth Browning

Thursday, July 18, 2024


…God is [one] “who maketh the dead alive and calleth into being the things that are not.”  The spell of the dogma of hopelessness – ex nihilo nihil fit – is broken where the One who raises the dead is recognized to be God… In love, hope brings all things into the light of the promises of God.

          Jugen Moltmann, Theology of Hope



the words are blurred

and cannot be read

tired eyes and a tired heart

cannot comprehend the fragile words of hope


ancient prophets may throw words of hope

into the air

casually, as if they were nothing



But as for me, I watch in hope for the LORD,

I wait for God my Savior;

my God will hear me.


But for me, the words do not come

my voice is silent


Ah Micah!


did you not see the great devastation?

the cities ground into dust beneath the feet of the invaders?


did you not see corrupt leaders

lead your beloved country into captivity?




could you look at

the greed and graft, the abandonment of good

the failure to “do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly

and not despair?


How did you know

that unto us a child would be born

and live

and die

and live again?


how did you know that God

is the one who makes the dead alive

and calls into being that which is not?


Was it the sun rising in the east?

Was it the beauty of a summer sky?

Was it a still small voice, echoing in your soul?

Was it a faint murmuring in your heart?


It is not an easy task

bringing all things into the light of the promises of God

when we live with the “cross of the present”

and peer into the future

through the pall of authoritarianism, greed

global warming

racism, hate,


how, as we see our world

led by enmity and falsehood

and spiraling into chaos

and violence

can we still say  “I watch in hope?”


and live into the possibilities


Ah, Love

The Love which takes all pain upon itself

Ah Love

Hell is hopelessness

Do not let us enter the gates


Set our feet on another path

may we catch a glimmer of newness

so that we might walk through

another day


Oh God of the Exodus

and the resurrection

the one who makes all things new


God of the wanderer

of the lost

be with us this day

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