
Primitive religion is not believed, it is danced!

Arthur Darby Nock

Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
And only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.

Elizabeth Browning

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Birthing God

Today in church we read the familiar story of Gabriel visiting Mary
The story of Mary is an intriguing one.  This story brings up a lot of stuff.
But for me all comes down to what Mary did!

What is the one thing Mary did?  Above all else?
Mary birthed God
She delivered God to the world

How did she do that?
Well there are two things really obvious… First, Mary couldn’t have done anything without God’s amazing activity.  No way that she, a young woman who “had not known” a man was going to be able to have a baby…. Sorry… doesn’t happen. 

But the other obvious truth is this - God couldn’t have done what he did without Mary’s yes…..
God needed Mary’s “yes”, and she could have said “no”

In his book Peculiar Treasures, Frederick Buechner imagines what the angel Gabriel could have been thinking when he told Mary not to be afraid: ‘You mustn’t be afraid, Mary,’ he said. And as he said it, he only hoped she wouldn’t notice that beneath the great, golden wings, he himself was trembling with fear to think that the whole future of creation hung now on the answer of a girl.”

Mary had to give her yes
Say yes to God’s choice of her
Yes to God’s love
Yes to God’s capacity

We have to give our yes as well
Our job is to birth God,  to deliver God to the world

John wrote in his Gospel… “See what love God has shown, that we should be called the children of God.  And that is what we are!!!!”  Brennan Manning takes that verse and says this…The highest calling in our lives is becoming like Jesus. This is not copying what Jesus does… It’s the very life of Jesus flowing in us and through us and out of us because God’s Spirit has taken up residence in the heart of us. 

In short.  God is birthed through us as we become open to the presence of the Spirit, and Christ moves through us… and we begin to live Christ, in love, compassion and forgiveness.

But how do we do this?  Well the first thing that is obvious is that it isn’t about our capacity.  We are often faced with things are at least a little beyond us.  And few of us, as we look at what life is throwing at us, say “Oh yeah! I feel total capable, bring it on!!”  No, it is all about God, with whom all things, all things are possible.

So the real key is our willingness….

I had a friend who use to talk to Senior High Students about the symbolism of hands
He pointed out that what we do with our hands often reflects our receptiveness.
Hands out - pushing away; rejecting.
Hands up - ready to receive; welcoming.
Try it.  How does it feel when you hold your hands out?  When you open and lift them up?
As you do, the different postures almost set you up for a different attitude.
Hands out - No! Wait.
Hands up - Ok! Come on.

Ever notice how some people seem to instinctively put their hands out.  They’re the skeptics of the bunch.  Won’t believe it unless they see it for themselves.  If it isn’t logical, if they don’t understand it, they don’t have time for it.  They tend to stand back. They tend to resist.

Unlike “hands up” people.  They’ll receive what you say. They’ll go along with what is told them.  Not necessarily gullible. But open. Receptive.

Hands out?  or Hands up?
Our choice is important

Through Mary the sacred came into the world
And the world was transformed by the Sacred, redeemed by it…restored

That is what happens, everytime we birth God….
Every time we are willing, God becomes a part of the world
And God’s presence cannot be denied

Author Regina Ryan writes these words in one of her books.  “Are not each one of us invited to conceive the Sacred One within our(selves)? Are not each one of us called upon to wait for the overshadowing of the Holy Spirit… ? Is it not our job to nurture God by healthy devotional practice, honoring the body, and celebrating the mystery of life that is (continually) taking place in each one of us?”  To this day, if Jesus Christ is fathered by God, he is mothered and made manifest by you and me. Kind of makes you proud, doesn’t it? How essential humanity’s role is to deliver God to the world?

The question that comes from this story is simple are we willing?
Are willing to believe in what God can do… and echo Mary’s words,  “Nothing is impossible with God”
Are we willing to accept our acceptance and let God dance in our soul,
Will to let the Spirit overshadow us….?
Are we willing to birth God, deliver God to the world?

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