
Primitive religion is not believed, it is danced!

Arthur Darby Nock

Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
And only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.

Elizabeth Browning

Sunday, June 3, 2018

see God

Powered By Ringsurf

When a Dog Runs Up (by Hafiz)

Start seeing everything as God, but keep
it a secret.

Become like the man and woman who are
awestruck and nourished

listening to a golden nightingale sing
in a beautiful foreign language while God,
invisible to most, nests upon its tongue.

Hafiz, who can tell in this world that
when a dog runs up to you wagging its
ecstatic tail, you lean over and whisper in
its ear,

“Beloved, I am so glad you are happy to
see me! Beloved, I am so glad, so very glad
you have come!”

Start seeing God in everything
In everything

See God in the obvious places
In the mountains that soar
In sunrise an sunset

In flowers breaking through the ground
And reaching gloriously to the sky

In the grace of horses
And the lavish love of dogs
In the beautiful arrogance of cats

See it in the deer bounding over the fence
And in the grass, luxuriant after the rain

See it in beautiful babies
And homely babies
All babies are God
Incarnation now

See God in the saints
In the loving and the kind
In the volunteers
In the rescuers

See God in the generous and
The forgiving

But see the Sacred too in the places where it darkly hides
In humans, for example
Who are not saints, but perhaps, sinners

The addicted
Abusive ones

See God in the bullies
In the corrupt
In the man lying in the ally, wet with his own urine
In the woman emaciated by meth

See God in the hurricane and the tornado
In the flood and
In the parched earth of the drought

Much of the time we will gently whisper the news in the quiet of our hearts
God is here, God is here

And there are times we will
Catch a saint or sinner unawares
And whisper

I am so very glad you are here
I am so very glad you are you
I am so very glad

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