
Primitive religion is not believed, it is danced!

Arthur Darby Nock

Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
And only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.

Elizabeth Browning

Saturday, October 31, 2020

The Space Between

Thresholds are the space between, when we move from one time to another…

when our old structures start to fall away and we begin to build something new.  The Celts describe thresholds as “thin times or places” where heaven and earth re closer together and the veil between world is thin.


Thresholds are liminal times when the past season has come to a close but there is a profound unknowing of what will come next…  Thresholds are challenging because they demands that we step into the in-between place of letting go of what has been while awaiting what is still to come

                               Christine Valters Paintner (The soul’s slow ripening)


…when in the dark night of suffering sagacity cannot see a handbreadth ahead of it, then faith can see God, since faith sees best in the dark.

                               Soren Kierkegaard


See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?

I am making a way in the wilderness  and streams in the wasteland.

                               Isaiah (43)


For whoever would save his/her life will lose it, but whoever loses his/her life for my sake will save it.

                               Jesus (Luke 9)


Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, that one is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.

                               Paul (2 Corinthians)



it feels as if I am an inhabitant of the world’s edge (Columbanus)

pushed by a chaotic and fiery world

to the brink


and here I teeter

scrambling for a toehold

for something to grab hold of, so that I do not fall


there is pain and sorrow behind me

but so much too that I do not want to leave behind


I am pushed by the raw brutality of toxic humanity

by the racism and infantile egoism of the Proud Boys,

the insatiable greed of the oligarchs,

the hypocrisy and deceit of our leaders,

the essential selfishness of those who cry “freedom”,

   but are slaves to their small selves,


I am assaulted by the brutality of children in cages

by the casual disregard of leaders who endanger those they lead

by the hypocrisy of those who gaslight and scapegoat

and think the rules they impose on others

do not apply to them


and yet there is comfort too

in things known

in old patterns

in old ways of thinking and being


and the terror of what is behind

is nothing like the terror of what lies ahead

beyond the threshold


in that dark space that looms beyond the edge


I do not want to let go

I do not want to take that step

that “leap of faith”


I would rather, it seems cling


to the small scraps of joy and comfort I have


and yet the words come

let go


the Kingdom is near

a Sacred “new thing” awaits


let go of your fear

let go of your hate

let go of the old

let go of the comfortable

let go of your old self



to all that holds you back

all that keeps you trapped



knowing that the moment you

die (let go of the old)

there will be birth


the new will emerge

slowly to be sure

as slowly as the dawn breaks through the darkness.


the Kingdom will come

but it must be born in each of us

and then lived by each of us

who seeing by faith in the dark


live hopefully

live love

and step faithful across the threshold

into God’s new thing



Thus says the Lord

Stand at the crossroads and look

          and ask for the ancient paths

Where the good way lies; and walk in it

          and find rest for your souls

                               Jeremiah 6:16

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