
Primitive religion is not believed, it is danced!

Arthur Darby Nock

Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
And only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.

Elizabeth Browning

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Blessing is a way of life

Stay clear of those vexed in spirit.

Learn to linger around someone of ease

Who feels they have all the time in the world.


Gradually, you will return to yourself,

Having learned a new respect for your heart

And the joy that dwells far within slow time.

                               John O’Donohue,  from “For one who is Exhausted, a Blessing”

                               From “Bless the Space Between Us”


Deep peace of the running wave to you

Deep peace of the flowing air to you

Deep peace of the quiet earth to you

Deep peace of the shining stars to you

Deep peace of the Son of peace to you

                               Traditional Irish blessing, quoted by Christine Valters Paintner

                               “The Soul’s Slow Ripening” p.39



in cursed times

we need blessing


we need to find that place of gratitude

that place of thanks


in cursed times

we need to feel the blessing of the Sacred One

who comes and with divine love says

“be not afraid”


we need the blessing of parents

present and passed

the blessing of knowing they loved us

were proud of us

were blessed by our birth and life


we need the blessing of children

to hear in the hungry dark

“you are a good dad”

“you are a good mother”

“thank you”

“I love you”


we need the blessing of those around us

the acknowledgement of our gifts

our contributions


in times of curse

we need to be a blessing

we need to carry the blessings we have received

as precious gifts


and offer them to others

along the way


I remember reading once

(I don’t remember where)

That in Kabbalistic wisdom there are two different types of vessels

that carry divine blessing divine energy


Some are containers open at the top and closed at the bottom.

They allow the life force to flow in but do not let it flow out of the other end.


Others are not stopped up at the bottom.

They are conduits for blessing

Sacred blessing flows in on one side and out from the other side.


Those vessels that are closed eventually shatter from the abundance of good

They try to contain


Those who pass on what they receive, fulfill their purpose


As those who are blessed

We must be a blessing


How do you be a blessing?

With a smile, or with a hug (after Covid)

By always thinking of giving, of helping,

By lending a hand.

By offering an invitation instead of waiting to receive one.

By caring for a stranger,

By making someone feel at home.

By teaching, and helping others to learn.

By offering insight and inspiration.

By encouragement or a kind word.


So this day, let us count our blessings

Take some time to wallow in gratitude

To acknowledge the gifts and graces present in our lives


and then let us enter into partnership

with the one who blesses


and pass the blessing on


blessing is a way of life



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