
Primitive religion is not believed, it is danced!

Arthur Darby Nock

Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
And only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.

Elizabeth Browning

Thursday, October 14, 2021

God is the more

God is always the more of our lives. We can’t contain God. If we try to control God, that’s not God; God always spills over our lives.

          Ilia Delio



Where, oh where, is love?

It’s a legitimate question!


As people struggle with hate.

As the outrage machines of the left and the right stir us up.

As toxic individualism rages as virulently as the pandemic.

As fear, legitimate and otherwise seizes our souls.


Where is love?


Where is the love that would up us open to love?

Where is the love that would calm us down and clear our heads?

Where is the love that would take us outside of ourselves, to care of others?

Where is the love that would release us from fear?


That love is not something we have to seek.

For it is always present!

Woven into everything, woven into us.


No matter where we go,

there love is, greeting us

filling us.


Reminding us


Everything that exists speaks of God,

Everything, every reflects that love energy that we call God.


And all will be well


We get in trouble with our striving

When we forget that Love (God) is everywhere, everywhere

When we try to control God, and put Love in the “box” of a religion

When we try to define God, and bind ourselves with dogma

When we limit God in any way,


There we are,

back into the mess,

back into all that is “not God.”


So where is love?

Stop, take a deep breath.

Listen to your heart.

There is love!


Look at the sunrise.

There is love


Pet your dog (or cat)

There is love


Smile at your children, or you beloved.

Think of them!

There is love


Think about that person you have just argued with about masks,

or vaccines, or politics,

Love is there too.


Love is everywhere.




Left foot, right foot,

Left foot, breathe!

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