Our nature is already endowed with grace, and thus our
task is to be attentive to that which is within and that which is without—mind
and heart—so that we may contribute to building up the world in love.
Our lives have meaning and purpose. . . We either help
build this world up in love or tear it apart.
Grace bats last
Wild Fires
The list goes on, and on, and on, and on.
And where it stops?
We know.
It feels sometimes as if we do know where it will stop.
As if the world is whirling toward disintegration.
As if hate will win and we will be left staggering
through the smoke of its destruction, hopeless and helpless.
We see the arrogance of those who would abuse power
We hear them boast
We see them pervert justice, because they can,
And then,
a still small voice
that comes not from up there, out there
but from our deepest place
that place that makes us who we are
the whisper of original blessing
of Sacred Presence
that reminds us that we participate in God
and God participates in us.
That inner presence that reminds us
That we are not writing the story by ourselves
That we are participating in the great story!
Written not just by ourselves,
but by all others, and by God.
We are in the story, we are part of the story
but we are not alone
it is not our story, it is the story
and as the divine image bubbles up from our soul
we are part of the great revolution
the great transformation
the new heaven and the new earth
the new creation
the peaceable kingdom
the kingdom of God
as we participate in God
and allow God to participate in us
we build the world up,
this story has an ending
grace bats last!
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