
Primitive religion is not believed, it is danced!

Arthur Darby Nock

Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
And only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.

Elizabeth Browning

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

extremism is dangerous

It has been suggested that if we really want to have an impact on the world

as the followers of Love

we have to become ordinary radicals (Shane Claiborne)


ordinary people

who are radical


maybe a bit crazy


but what does it mean to be radical?

What does it mean to be a radical in the “irresistible revolution”

Started by Jesus.


I don’t know about you, but I sometimes struggle with radicality

Simply because in my experience

Radicality leads to extremism

And extremism, all too often leads to rigidity and even cruelty


We have seen where extremism takes people

The unfeeling and graceless piety of the pro-life movement

Which in its extreme love for zygotes forgets to love the women who carry them,

And those same organisms once they take a breath

And become a living child of God.


The extremism of gun right’s activists who close their eyes to mass shootings

And to the pain and sorrow guns so often cause.


Almost any form of extremism,

Cultural, political, religious, can become cruel

Even such wonderful movements such as veganism can end up

With a strident and hateful voice.


But we are called to be extreme

Following Jesus is extreme

Turn the other cheek

Die to yourself

Give up what you have, and give it away

Bless your enemies

Forgive those who have hurt you.


And yet Christianity too can be cruel


How can we be extreme and not move into domination and cruelty?

But making sure our responses are always loving

Jesus response to hate was not hate

It was love

His response to abusive power was not abusive power

It was love


The fact is if I do not respond with extreme love

(as Jesus did)

I might create change

But it will not be the right kind of change.

And we will not overcome

Not really

Hate does not overcome hate,

Nor domination defeat domination

Nor fear defeat fear


If I want to be an extremist

I have to love

If in my extreme allegiance to any cause, I stop loving

Stop treating people with respect (start name-calling and seeking to shame)

Stop caring

Stop forgiving

Stop welcoming and embracing


I am doing it wrong.





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