
Primitive religion is not believed, it is danced!

Arthur Darby Nock

Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
And only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.

Elizabeth Browning

Monday, October 10, 2022

A new perspective

The word “repent” (metanoia) means a deep and profound shift in perception. It's a turning about in the deepest seat of our consciousness or awareness. It's like the blinders fall off, and we see things as they really are. . .


The healing work most attributed to Jesus was restoring sight. There is a symbolic significance to this - Jesus knew the necessity of seeing clearly. He once said, "If the eyes are good, the whole body is good." In other words, true liberation is for one's eyes to be opened to see things as they truly are - to see the true nature of reality, to see the true nature of who we are, and to operate within that reality. This is "metanoia".

                     Jim Palmer




for the Kingdom is at hand


does not mean

you’d better watch out

because a vengeful God is about to hold you accountable

so straighten up!


Repentance may involve

remorse and sorrow


it clearly involves change


but it is not about fear


it is less an “oh $hit!”

and more an “ah ha!”


it is a shifting of perspectives

it is moving from not seeing to seeing

from psychological, moral, and spiritual blindness

to sight


and what it does is open up the pathway to the Kingdom

which is near

as near as your heart


the kingdom is not about apocalyptic disaster

it is the place where Sacred rules

where peace, joy, hope, and love rule

it may, someday, be this earth


but is also within

it is at hand when we let Sacred rule in the deep place

that makes us who we are


when our perspective shifts

and we see God for who and what God really is

when we see the planet and the people on it

through the eyes of love

when we understand, finally, that power and wealth do not bring happiness

and certainly not peace


the grace becomes real

and the kingdom comes


amazing grace, how sweet the sound

that saved the precious child of God that is me

I once was lost but now am found

was blind but now I see


grace is ours

the kingdom is near

the peace, freedom, joy, liberation, wholeness, and harmony

we desire is right at our fingertips!


it cannot be found in earthly leaders

or through political parties

or through the accumulation of wealth

or through the abuse of power


it can only be found when we let the Sacred

open our eyes

and our hearts

to Love

and see people, all people, as they are, precious souls

and see the earth for what it is, a fragile treasure

and see ourselves for what we are, sacred children


then the kingdom will come

and Love’s will be done

on earth

and in our hearts

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