God is the denial of denial
If God is the denial of denial
If God is truth (and fortunately love)
then is the denial of truth a denial of God?
and behaviorally is a failure to love a denial of God?
It has always mystified me how people can claim to be
“on God’s side,” can claim Jesus
and then overtly, persistently lie
I mean we all struggle, sometimes to embrace the truth
We do get sucked into lies, about ourselves and others
It happens
But I think about those
who have embraced the lie that the last election was
who radically throw lies out there about others, who lie
about themselves
I think about people who clearly know the truth but speak
People who use lies as a way to manipulate and even harm
As a way to grab power or increase wealth
How can they do that, and then claim to be people who
respect Jesus?
who is all about truth?
That gets me thinking about denying truth
I am overwhelmed by the plethora of ways we can deny
truth and embrace untruth
and I wonder, what happens when we embrace lies?
what happens when we deny the obvious truth?
very often that denial of truth, that rejection of truth translates
into action
it translates into an assault on our capital and our
it translates into people being used as pawns
it translates into violence
it translates into injustice and inequity
it translates into a neglect of the poor
and a failure to welcome the stranger
it translates into the oppression and cruelty
a failure to be truthful translates into a failure to be
I understand that some people are just misled and
they have chosen to trust liars, which is sad
but for some this is willful
and in some cases this willful embrace of lies, this
denial of truth
is done while at the same time, they claim to be those who
are on God’s side.
and this thought often crosses my mind
“this person, who is so proudly claiming God, touting
God, doesn’t really believe in God”
I mean seriously?
If they actually believed in the kind of God they are
A God who is demanding and retributive
A God who seems to hate a lot of people and is willing to
punish them eternally
Would they dare lie the way they do?
Would they dare act the way they do
In my head, they can’t really believe in God and do and
say what they do.
they would not dare violate (which is exactly what they
are doing)
the rules of the God they have coopted and appropriated
or perhaps I am way off, perhaps they just don’t have the
same God that I do
perhaps it is as simple as this
they do not worship a God who is love
but rather a God who is manipulative, arbitrary, and all
about abusive power.
Is it unbelief or a belief in a God of their own making
That is the problem?
I am not sure
But this I know.
My relationship with the Sacred
Is hard on denial
I cannot deny the truth
About myself, or my country, or the planet
I cannot deny impending fascism
Or the destruction of the planet
Or injustice
Or the pain of inequity
I cannot deny my own complicity
My own failures
My own need
God is the denial of denial
God demands that I see things as they really are, and see
myself as I really am
And respond by letting God heal me, fill me, change me
And teach me to love
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