
Primitive religion is not believed, it is danced!

Arthur Darby Nock

Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
And only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.

Elizabeth Browning

Thursday, April 13, 2023

Practice Resurrection

 Fear is the door in the heart that lets evil spirits in.

                    Lakota teacher Buck Ghosthorse


To be Resurrection for another I need to be Resurrection for myself. That means I cannot dwell in [despair] and death and anger and oppression and submission and resentment and pain forever. I need to wake up, get up, rise up, put on life even when days are dark and my soul is down and shadows surround me everywhere…. I have to listen to the voice that says:

“Be resurrection.”… “Be born again. And again. And again. Rise up and be counted. Rise up and imbibe the good news deeply—that death does not conquer, that life, not death, has the last word….”

                     Matthew Fox (as quoted by Richard Rohr, Daily Meditations 4/13/23


Plant sequoias, Practice resurrection

                     Wendell Berry



“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times,

it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness,

it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity,

it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness,

it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.”

(Charles Dickens, Tale of Two Cities)


and so it is


we are in epic times

and it is not the first time

human creatures have been here


perhaps we are always here

living in a paradox

living in a liminal world


between good and evil

between freedom and authoritarianism

between progress and regress


between death and tomb

and resurrection and life


I sometimes wonder what keeps us here

lurking in the empty tomb

moping around the garden

hiding in an upper room





I think that is it!


how is it that we fear life?

Fear true freedom?

Fear progress?

Fear one another?


I do not know, but we do

what causes Donald Trump to lie and bully?

what causes him to act in predatory ways?


what causes Ron DeSantis to seek total control?

and to lust for retribution?


what causes a white-dominated legislature to

try and silence, and push to the back of the room

(or even expel) young black leaders


what causes so many Americans to grasp the

gross lethality of an AR 15?


what causes those on the left to demonize those on the right

and fail to listen or respect?


what causes me to live my life haunted

that I will not ever be enough

that I am deficit and thus must compensate for that

and prove my value?




Fear that one is not loved

Not relevant                

Without power

Fear that one will be oppressed, suppressed, eradicated


And so in fear, we behave poorly

Embracing oppression, suppression, and even death

We putter around the graveyard

The place of death


And do not practice resurrection


It is time for us to embrace life

we need to “wake up, get up, rise up,”

we need to “put on life”

even when days are dark and souls are afflicted

and our hearts hurt

and shadows loom


We have to hear the call to come of out the tomb

To leave the graveyard

And say


I have seen Life


We have to choose to live

To be a presence in the world that is joy

That is hope

That is compassion

That is love


We have to rise up and be counted

Again and again


We have to practice resurrection


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