
Primitive religion is not believed, it is danced!

Arthur Darby Nock

Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
And only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.

Elizabeth Browning

Thursday, April 6, 2023

Maundy Thursday

Jesus breaks boundaries in his own life and causes a lot of shock, and he tells other people that anything he can do they can do also.  Follow me, be the light of the world, all of you.  You can do it.  The kingdom is at hand: you don’t have to wait, you can do it now.  The power of God is vested in you – hidden in you, perhaps, but it’s there.  Believe in it, let it shine.

                                                                                                                   Beatrice Bruteau



Ah Jesus

Those poor disciples, they hardly knew you

But alas, we hardly know you


or so it seems


you went around turning everything upside down

taking all the nice neat categories and boundaries

and blowing them apart


taking our entire philosophy of life

where some win, and some lose

where some are in, and some are out

where some dominate, and get the riches

and some are dominated;

put down, despised, used, and manipulated


and rejecting that way



they didn’t get it, not fully

those fishermen



nor do we

not even our technology

can help us here


we still see others as the other

as those who can help us or hurt us

as those who are to be used or driven away

as those to be dominated          


the “potentiality of hurt” separates us

and we walk through life

“separated selves” (Bruteau)


a revolution is called for

a holy Thursday revolution (Bruteau)


O Jesus

the boundaries must be stretched and shattered

in our lives

as they were in yours


the boundaries between those who are in

and those who are out

between the rich and poor

diseased and healthy


us and them

needs to fade




and we need to move from a world

built on domination

to one built on communion


where we eat from one loaf

drink from one cup

and wash each other’s feet


to a world where

just as YOU fed us with your very self

we feed each other


where, as in the meal

you, O Beloved, become us

so too in the meal

we become each other



dwell in each other

and lay down our lives

for each other


in communion comes

the Kingdom of God

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