
Primitive religion is not believed, it is danced!

Arthur Darby Nock

Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
And only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.

Elizabeth Browning

Monday, June 5, 2023

Jesus Stopped

Jesus stopped.  And healed.  And loved. Not causes, but people.

          Madeleine L’Engle


“I love mankind, it’s people I can’t stand!”

          Linus (Peanuts)



I think Jesus disdained causes

He didn’t line up with any group

Not the Sadducees, or Pharisees

Not the Zealots or the Essenes

Not the collaborative movement which went along with Rome (it’s the money stupid)

Or the movement that wanted to eradicate all the Romans


Jesus didn’t have much time for movements

because he only had eyes

for people


People who happened to be Sadducees, Pharisees, Zealots and Essenes

Noble and common

Rich and poor

Powerful and powerless

Healthy and ill

Confident and confused

Faithful and faithless

Righteous and holy messes


And when he saw people

Who were hurting, questioning



(whether they knew it or not)

Jesus stopped.  And healed.  And loved.


He did what he could to make people safe

Accepted and welcome

He did what he could to bless

To guide

To transform


He did not just work to help them become who and what

They were created to be

Children of God


But he worked to make sure they were fed, clothed, and house

To make sure their thirst was quenched

Be it spiritual or physical


And when he went on his way

He left people who were changed

(or if not changed, sad and thoughtful)


Yes, I know, there are places for movements

And causes

But sometimes our allegiance to causes can leave us blind to people

We can be so into stopping abortion

We lose sight of mothers and fathers, and children already born

And we can become cruel and destructive


We can be so into gun rights

The environment

Animal Rights

(pick your cause)


That we fail to see people

We fail to see their fear, their pain, their anger

And we an end up discarding them

Diminishing and marginalizing them

Hurting them

Without compunction

After all, “the cause!”


I don’t know sometimes how to balance it out

I don’t know how to see the people who are wrapped up

In beliefs, attitudes and actions

That violate love


It is difficult to stop and truly see them

It is difficult to love them

It is difficult to treat them with love


But Jesus did

He stopped and talked with kindness to the rich young man

The tax collector

The Roman soldier

The members of the Sanhedrin

The lepers

The afflicted

The poor




How do we do it, Jesus?

How do we see those who cross our paths

How do we see them as your beloved children

As our brothers and sisters


How do we not let our causes

Our divisions

Our own sense of right and wrong

Good and evil

Get in the way of love?


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