
Primitive religion is not believed, it is danced!

Arthur Darby Nock

Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
And only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.

Elizabeth Browning

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

messed with

The universe is immeasurably vast. God only Out There, looking on does not help me.  I seek and know a closer God.  God not only within all that has been made, God not only within during the lifetime of Jesus of Nazareth, but God within, right now, within me, in the salt of my tears the beating of my heart.

          Madeleine L’Engle


The reality of our rebirth should mess with us.

          Shane Claiborne



The universe is immeasurably vast

Each sunrise and sunset gives us a mere glimpse of this vastness

In the black of night

As the stars go on, literally forever

Into the vastness


We understand, as Sagan reminded us

That this planet

Our home

Is “a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam.”


It is easy to get lost in this vastness

And frighteningly easy to be afraid


And yet

I believe, however foolish it might seem

That there is a force behind all this

A reality that creates beauty

An entity that not only loves but is love

That is beyond my capacity to understand


That there is something “beyond” that is woven

Into the trees that surround me,

Into the mountain that glistens gold in the fall sun

Into me

And into all creatures great and small


A reality that when it touches us

When we are open to it





And, importantly

Because it is our common DNA

Binds us together


We are Sacred Children


And that Jewish person, who is terrified by the brutality of Hamas

Is my family

And that Palestinian mother, hugging the tattered remains of her child

Is my family

And that person who wants to Make America Great Again,

Is my family


So is that vegan who wants to protect all sentient beings

And that environmentalist

And that radical capitalist

And. . .


There are no exceptions


Messes with my mind


It messes with my celebrations when my side “wins”

And with my anger when my side “loses”


It messes with my desire for retribution

And with that fear that wants to exclude

And with my need to accumulate and hoard


Jesus suggested that unless we “hate” our own family

We are not ready to be his followers (Luke 14:26)



Some see that as weird, even wrong!

Jesus!  What were you thinking?


What Jesus was thinking was that unless we can extend our concept of family

Beyond our actual family, beyond our political party

Beyond our country

Beyond our religion

We cannot love people the way we are called to love

We cannot extend our love

To the other members of our “family”


We cannot sit in the dust of a destroyed house in Gaza

And feel the pain of those whose lives have been shattered by war

Because we can only see things from one side.

The side of “our’ family


We cannot feel the fear of a nation in fear of its existence

We cannot understand the despair of a person whose world is changing

And who is being told by people he/she trusts, that those who are changing it

Are evil


We cannot love our neighbor as ourselves


Instead, we are driven into factions

We are divided and polarized


And our world, this tiny speck of dust

Is filled with hate, not love


We need God

We need Love

We need that presence to be as near as our next breath

And we need that presence


To mess with us

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