
Primitive religion is not believed, it is danced!

Arthur Darby Nock

Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
And only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.

Elizabeth Browning

Thursday, October 10, 2024

the hostile identity

Once upon a time

In a country not that far away

A prophet came

Perhaps more than a prophet

Perhaps a God carrier

Perhaps Emmanuel, God with us


He came to a people

Who saw themselves as “God’s people”

Separate from others

From those unclean


It’s God and us against the world

And he promoted a new way

Yes, a way of change


A way in which one is washed clean

In the waters of repentance


He asked people to rethink everything

Including their hostility to the other

Their sense of separateness


He asked them to shift the way they treated those

Who were “not them” but were “other”

Not with hostility or resistance

But with kindness, generosity, empathy, and love (Luke 3)


This One helped people become new creations

And created a new way

A way of welcome, inclusion, and healing


And a tattered lot of misfits followed Him

And then

Those following him became “the church”


Which sadly,

instead of transforming the world, conformed with the world

and reclaimed the old formula


We are God’s people

God is hostile toward all who are not “us”

It is God and us against the world


And so our faith became marked by hostility

By confrontation

And exclusion


And hostility became hate

Hate led to many forms of violence





This is not new

This is not the way of Jesus


This is exactly what Jesus has asked us to leave behind

The old way of separateness

And privilege

The old way of “us” and “them


Jesus calls us to solidarity

And reconciliation

To welcome and kindness

To generosity


We cannot baptize hate and bias

We cannot embrace control and coercion

Retribution and punishment


We must move instead from an oppositional identity (Brian McLaren)

To a benevolent, compassionate identity


Where we see ourselves not as different but as the same

Not as above but as equal

Not as separate, but as with

Not as against, but as “for”


This is not weakness

This is not compromise

This is difficult

So difficult that so very few have done it!


I want to have a compassionate identity

I don’t want to be the kind of follower

who is hostile

who sees others as enemies

who feels a need to dominate and control


I don’t want to embrace hate and violence

The way of lies and manipulation

And pretend it is the way of Jesus


I don’t want, in insecurity and fear

to hide behind hate

and pretend it is righteousness


I just want to follow

the way of fierce love

I want to follow Jesus

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