
Primitive religion is not believed, it is danced!

Arthur Darby Nock

Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
And only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.

Elizabeth Browning

Monday, October 7, 2024

Today I go Down

John [the Baptist] defines the essential meaning [of Baptism] himself: he proclaims not a baptism of conformity, but a baptism of repentance, which means the radical, far-reaching rethinking of everything.

              Brian McLaren



It lies in front of me.

Not sparkling nor clean, but muddied

By the chaos of dirty human bodies

Wading into its murky depths,

By the filth of dirty feet and soiled souls


He stands

This prophet, crying “Prepare”

Prepare the way for the Lord


And he calls me into the water.


Down I go

Down into that brown gloomy river

Down until I am completely buried

Like a body in a tomb


Down, breathless, and sightless

Until I burst forth

Into the bright hot sun


I have been called to leave everything behind

My old identity

My old ideologies

My old comforts and my old distresses

My successes and my failures

My privilege, pride, and ego


It is like a new birth.

The end of so much, the beginning of so much more


It is not easy to leave behind

Those things we have fused to, those identities we have crafted

Who makes us who we are?


It is painful to leave privilege behind

And safety

And power


But all those must remain, there in that watery grave

Or we cannot rise


For this new birth is radical

It is a reversal of everything.


What was good becomes bad,

What was sketchy and unacceptable becomes good


It is good to be poor

Good to be meek

Good to be humble, and kind

Good to serve others

Good to suffer, perchance to die


It is not that I am called to embrace a new identity

As much as to lay down all the old identities that have always defined me



Democrat, Liberal, American

Winner (and loser too)


The good the bad the ugly

It all must be washed off as I immerse myself in Christ

Living now inside Christ

Looking with his eyes,

Feeling with his heart


For it is as I die to my old identities

That I am freed (now being “in” Christ)

To rise with Christ


A ferocious death giving birth

To fierce love

And the possibility of restoration, reconciliation

And a new life

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