
Primitive religion is not believed, it is danced!

Arthur Darby Nock

Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
And only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.

Elizabeth Browning

Monday, October 15, 2018

In the morning when I rise

Grace isn't about God creating humans and flawed beings and then acting all hurt when we inevitably fail and then stepping in like the hero to grant us grace - like saying, "Oh, it's OK, I'll be the good guy and forgive you." It's God saying, "I love the world too much to let your sin define you and be the final word. I am a God who makes all things new.”
 Nadia Bolz-Weber, Pastrix: The Cranky, Beautiful Faith of a Sinner & Saint

In the morning when I rise
In the morning when I rise
In the morning when I rise

give me Jesus   (African American Spiritual)

each morning when we rise
we have two choices
we can be defined by the world
or we can be defined by the Sacred

in the world we are defined by
money and power
possessions and influence

in the world we are defined
by labels and titles

with the Sacred we are defined by love
we are defined by One who makes all things news

Sometimes it doesn’t feel that way
for in our own weird way we have Secularized the Sacred
giving God attributes which are ungodly
making God a judging retributive being who counts our
ills, and holds them against us

who controls us, manipulates us with fear
and threats of eternal damnation

who demands performance, or else
turn or burn

but in reality God is love
God is a parent in whose eyes
We are wonderful and beautiful
Albeit a bit flawed, and perhaps a touch naughty and willful

But God persists in love
Persists in forgiveness and generosity

In the morning when I rise
I do not, therefore
Want to embrace the world
With its hate and greed
With its demands for performance

In the morning when I rise
I want Jesus
I want grace
I want love
I want it all

So that secure and loved
I can walk through my day
As a Sacred child

Open, vulnerable
Giving, forgiving
Caring and yes

It’s a much better way to live!

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