
Primitive religion is not believed, it is danced!

Arthur Darby Nock

Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
And only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.

Elizabeth Browning

Friday, July 17, 2020

A new way of doing life

When you’ve been alive for only

(count your own) days


The pathways are rarely clear

Here where the roads keep changing


What makes sense on one day

Makes no sense the next


And so, to avoid exhaustion, and to deepen rest

Ask yourself


These question


How would you describe today?



Have you seen anything interesting on the way?



Is it working?  Is it working?


Is it working?

                                         Padraig O Tauma



sometimes we go through life on cruise control

we sleep in the same bed

get up at the same time

go through the same daily rituals


we eat the same foods

drink the same drinks


we watch the same TV shows

think the same thoughts

and our faith


well we have imbibed a faith

handed down to us

a faith swallowed whole


but there are questions that must be asked


hard questions

reflective questions


and above all we have to ask

is it working


are these values we embrace

are these strategies we have adopted

is this way of life



I mean really?

Is our way of living sustainable?

Does it promote life?

Does it produce equity?

Does it create equality?

Does it lead to justice?


We are on the road to somewhere, where does it lead?

And if the destination is good, will we all get there, together?


Are all things working


For good


They might be working for me

White, relatively affluent, educated, Christian

Privileged all the way


But are things working

for that black person

that person with mental illness

that addict

that poor person

that ill person?



These is a reason the virus continues to dominate our country

There is a reason people are protesting in the streets

There are a reason our jails are full

There is a reason people are living on the edge of poverty

There is a reason people are hungry, and homeless

And without health care


Because it is NOT working

This way of essential selfishness

This raw worshipping of power

This focus on money


It is not working


Which is why we need to remember, always

that we are called

as children of God

people of the Spirit

followers of Jesus


to embrace a different way of doing life


it is all there… in red letters (in my old childhood bible)

it is all there in black and white

we know the way we must live


in the power of the Spirit

may we live it







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