
Primitive religion is not believed, it is danced!

Arthur Darby Nock

Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
And only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.

Elizabeth Browning

Saturday, June 26, 2021

Summer solstice


on this day when light eclipses dark

on this longest day of the year


I think of the dark night of the soul

of that deep ponderous place

where if feels as if all the life has been

sucked out of one’s soul


where all meaning has collapsed

leaving the rubble of uncertainty and unknowing


there seems no way forward

and the meaning you had before

seems invalid


it is bad enough

that we experience ourselves

these moments of collapse


but it is terrifying when it seems

as if we are in the dark night of society (Rabbi Heschel)

where community crumbles


and even, perhaps,

the dark night of the species (Matthew Fox)

as we face a failing planet

failing compassion

failing democracies


as we see QAnon flourish

and lies canonized

and deficit human beings idolized


and watch the world collapse and burn

around us


even if we find our own small Edens

even if we manage to find our way to some small

island of meaning,


still the darkness looms

devouring the light


acedia sets in

and instead of carrying the weight of glory

we are ground down by the weight of our mortal flesh


in this moment we are driven to the essential questions


Why am I here?

Whom or what will I serve?


I remember the plea of Joshua

Choose this day

Choose this day whom you will serve


That I can do

I will serve the Lord

which is the same as saying “I will serve Love”


and if I serve Love

then I know why I am here

to love


I am here to “do good works” (Paul)

I am here to “do justice, love kindness, walk humbly” (Micah)

I am here to “love God and love my neighbor as myself” (Jesus)


I am here to reflect my divine DNA

and show forth the imago Dei


today is a new day

it is the longest day of the year

and this day I will choose whom I will serve

and this day I will remember why I am here


this day, I will walk in the light

today I will try to be light

a light in the darkness

that cannot be put out

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