
Primitive religion is not believed, it is danced!

Arthur Darby Nock

Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
And only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.

Elizabeth Browning

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

through the cracks of the old

God is doing new things, Jesus proclaimed, but only those with new minds and hearts can see a new world breaking through the cracks of the old.

                     Ilia Delio, The Hours of the Universe



here I am

dangling over the precipice of the new

hanging on for dear life


oh Lord

you are calling me to let go

to open my mind, my heart, my soul

you are calling me to let go


and to plummet

into that fearful newness

to die as it were


so that I might be born again


I am a creature of habit Lord

I like what is familiar and comfortable

I cling to old thoughts

old habits

old systems


I cannot see

I do not want to see

Where things are broken


I do not want to examine closely the foundations

of my society

my life

and see where things are rotten


instead I cling

I patch over the cracks

I ignore the rot


And I cling

Perpetuating not just that which is good and noble

but that which is destructive and life-denying


I ignore my privilege

my bias

my greed

my anger


I ignore systematic racism

and injustice


I celebrate inequity


Still I cling to the old

Still I pretend that it is “not that bad”

That with a little effort I can, we can, patch things up

Hold things together


But you know better

You know how desperately we need to let go

To die to the old

To fall into your grace


So that we might rise

And begin again


You know how radical the change


Needs to be

You know that a minor facelift simply won’t do


So help me to let go


and to plummet

into your fearful newness

to die as it were


so that I might be born again

so that I might rise


help me accept (as Richard Rohr puts it)

the unraveling, breaking, and cracking


that I might be the part of a movement

that helps the whole world rise up

and ushers in

the Kingdom of Love (God)

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