
Primitive religion is not believed, it is danced!

Arthur Darby Nock

Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
And only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.

Elizabeth Browning

Saturday, April 30, 2022

Fuel up

How many folk, low on self-love take to social media to post and say horrible things?  Are they making decisions about budgets and policies, policing cities and towns, while running empty on self-love?  Are they mean, selfish, or violent because there is a hole in their souls where more love could be?

          Jacqui Lewis



Love God

Love yourself

Love others


funny how the love of self is at the center


not love of self as selfishness, self-absorption, or conceit

not love of self as toxic individualism or even narcissism


because that is not really love

that is fear and desperation

that is a hungry soul seeking to be filled

with spiritual junk food


but love of self that involves

a healthy delight in who one is

in all the peculiarities that make one

a unique and beautiful and sacred child


love of self comes from God (or should)

but it also allows us to be open to God

it keeps us from grabbing hold of a version of God

that is rigid, controlling, coercive, and cruel


but is instead nurturing, compassionate, and kind


love of self sets us free

free to love God as a child loves a parent

as a chick loves the mother hen and nestles under her wings


love of self also allows us to be open to others

to be compassionate




and loving


think of all those across the globe, Putin for example

think of all those in our country, Trump, Greene, Hawley, the QAnons

think of all those in our own peculiar lives


who are running empty on self-love

who have holes in their soul

who are occupied by the hungry ghosts of fear

and hate, and greed


no wonder they lust for power

and wealth


no wonder the abuse of power

and hoard


they are starving

poor souls


this is why the rich are never rich enough

the powerful never have enough power (and cannot let it go)

the hateful can never let go of their hate


this is why people start wars

suppress the vote

drive big trucks (and then complain of gas prices)

carry guns

call people names

abuse their spouses and children


they are starving

they are eroding

they are being eaten up from the inside out


the answer is simple and yet elusive

connect with all that is sacred

let yourself be loved

accept that you are loved

believe that you are loveable


let the warmth of sacred compassion

light the fire of compassion within you

compassion first for yourself

and then


for those around you


you are immensely valuable and special

a unique and beautiful and sacred child

in whom God delights


so is that person in front of you


how sad it is that so many of us do not know that

and may not live that


this is a time to fuel up

to allow ourselves to be filled with Sacred

to allow love, compassion, and forgiveness

to rock and roll in our souls


for hurt people hurt people

empty people feed on other people

but loved people

love people


and God knows

we need more love in this world


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