
Primitive religion is not believed, it is danced!

Arthur Darby Nock

Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
And only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.

Elizabeth Browning

Friday, March 31, 2023

Justice equals compassion

If “compassion means justice” as Eckhart insists (and the Jewish prophets of old insist), then to do justice in the midst of injustice is to bring the Divine back to history and culture.  It is to bring love back since “God is love” and compassion is another word for love.  And justice is another word for love.

                     Matthew Fox (Daily Meditations)



when I was young we used to sing


love, love, love, love

Christians this is your call

love your neighbor as yourself for

God loves us all


it is more than that

God is love

and if we participate in the Sacred

if we are permeated with the Sacred

we will love


and love is not passive

love welcomes

love accepts

love embraces


welcomes, accepts, and embraces all people



not just those like “us”

not just those who are our color

embrace our creed

our culture

but all


and welcome acceptance, and inclusion

are not possible

without justice

without equity

without compassion lived out


how is it then

that some, in the name of Jesus

have embraced injustice and inequity

have pursued domination and coercion

have opted for exclusion and even eradiation

rather than love?


I supposed we should not be surprised

read a prophet, almost any prophet

and you will see there the ancestors of those

who today would oppress and hoard


those who today would dominate and control





those they have decided

are not children of God


Micah predicted woe on such people

“Woe to those who plan iniquity, to those who plot evil on their beds!

At morning’s light they carry it out because it is in their power to do it.”


We could come up with a lot of woes!

Woe to those who accumulate and leave others hungry

Woe to those who neglect the poor, the ill, the vulnerable

Woe to those who do not welcome the stranger

Woe to those who throw away transgender people

Woe to those who try to create a “Christian” nation through oppressive and cruel legislation

Woe to those who think guns are more important than children

Woe to those who think profits are more important than the planet

Woe to those who think they are superior to others simply because of pigmentation

Woe to those who minimize and marginalize women

Woe to those who push hate and fear for political power


The list could go on


None of us do it all right

all of us have ways in which we violate love


what do we do when we struggle to love those who do not love?


my thoughts about a certain political party and certain

political leaders are not very loving most days!


I admit it


but the fact is we must try love

and love requires justice

and justice must be equal

and for all

not just for some


love, love, love, love

that is our call

and we must live it out


and living it out is not just a matter of how we treat our neighbor

(although it is that)

but it is a matter of the systems we support (or don’t support)

the people who choose to listen to

and the people we vote for


to return to Micah

“What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?”


we must get out of our egos

we must fight for justice

we must be kind (to all)

it is as simple and difficult as that

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