
Primitive religion is not believed, it is danced!

Arthur Darby Nock

Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
And only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.

Elizabeth Browning

Saturday, July 1, 2023

the demand for equality

What is lacking is a sense of the monstrosity of inequality


Daily we should take account and ask:  What have I done today to alleviate the anguish, to mitigate the evil, to prevent humiliation?  Let there be a grain of prophet in every [soul]!


          Abraham Joshua Heschel


“The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little.”


          Franklin D. Roosevelt




It is a radical assertion

That we poor human creatures are the image of God


Think about that

You, I, that person over there

That black person

That LGBTQI+ person

That person with the swastika tattoo

That person wiped out by drugs or alcohol

That rich person flaunting their wealth

That poor person struggling to survive

That compassionate person caring

That person who is hating

That fearful person, angry person, misinformed person


Is the image of God

Each person carries God

Reflects God


God is the God of all

Or the God of none

The image is in all human creatures

Or in none


In each person there is at least

A trace of God


And thus equality is not optional

For we are all one


It is not OK to think

God is my God, not yours

God is on my side, not yours

And it is certainly not OK to do anything

That marginalizes or minimalizes another

That oppresses another


It is not OK to enrich the rich at the cost of the poor

It is not OK to deny services to people who make you uncomfortable

(don’t blame your discomfort on God)

It is not OK to keep intact those systems that create inequality

It is not OK to systematize injustice (by stacking the SCOTUS with ideological extremists)

It is blasphemy to do those things, claiming to do them for God


There are many ways prejudice is nourished

Many ways to oppress

Many ways to deny the image


May it never be!

Mary insisted that the high must be brought low and the low lifted up


That is an affront to the ideology of domination and greed

But what is it, really?

A demand for equality and equity!


A demand that all God’s creatures find a common ground

Where all are fed, clothed, housed, cared for, educated, nurtured




That is why the imperative of the Gospel and the cry of the Prophet is

“to alleviate the anguish, to mitigate the evil, to prevent humiliation”


What have we done today?

What have I done today?


“The way we act,” Herschel insists

“The way we fail to act

Is a disgrace”


It is time for repentance

It is time for action



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