
Primitive religion is not believed, it is danced!

Arthur Darby Nock

Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
And only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.

Elizabeth Browning

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

It is time

Time to begin again this good work

We have been sent to do

To feed the hungry, heal the sick, care for the poor

All of these tasks and a thousand more stand before us…


We can debate our faith in the evening over coffee

Now is the time for all of us

To be out in the fields of change

          Steven Charleston



Here we are

Huddled in the pews of a thousand churches

Hovering over our keyboards

Pontificating on Facebook, X, and Threads


Muttering under our breath

About how our SCOTUS has been bought

How justice is perverted


Stressing over creeping authoritarianism

And the reality that

All are NOT equal under the law

Not here

Not now


Lamenting the deaths in Gaza (and yes, Israel too, and yes

Ukraine, Syria, Somalia, Sudan and more


Arguing about who Jesus loves

And whose interpretation of the Bible is most correct


Complaining about

Access to health care, and the suicide rate

And fentanyl




Worrying about our own personal woes, fears


And anxieties


Arguing with each other about

Gaza protests




To what end?


It is time

It is time to begin again this good work

To get off our well-padded behinds

And get to work


Feeding the hungry

Developing housing

Fighting for justice (I know it feels impossible)

Sharing love and compassion


Welcoming strangers

Affirming those who are queer


Talk, talk, talk

I am so sick of talk

I am so sick of talking (and writing)


It is time


To leave behind the golden calf

To leave behind the idols of power and wealth

To leave behind toxic leaders who manipulate us

And create fear and division


It is time


To be the church

To be the people of Jesus

To be people who put everything on the line


For love

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