
Primitive religion is not believed, it is danced!

Arthur Darby Nock

Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
And only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.

Elizabeth Browning

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

My words will not last

My words will not last,

No matter how wise they may seem

For time will dust them away,

In its endless task of cleaning


But if by grace I am able to inspire

One other soul to love

To take the risk of love, for the sake of love

Then I will have written something that will forever endure

For it will be written on the heart of another human being…


Words will one day pass away

But the love we release into creation will never be lost

          Steven Charleston



I wake this morning

Knowing that some morning

I will not wake


My tired rising

My aching body

The haunted face in the mirror

Give testimony to my mortality


Statisticians say I am maxed out

(life expectancy for males having dropped in 2021 to 73)

A sobering thought

That one is living on borrowed time


So I wander, back along my stumbling steps


About the sum of my life


I have done some good

I have done things that are a cause for shame

I am kind and cruel

I am disciplined and impulsive

I am giving and needy


I have helped people and hurt people

I have been someone to admire

And a profound disappointment


And I have written a lot of words





Three books

A blog





Some of them are powerful

Some of them insipid


Words on paper

Words on a screen

Words spoken into the air

To ears listening and not listening



But have I written on any hearts?

Have I been able to stop being assertive

Stop being “right”

Stop being the one who “knows it all”

Stop being opinionated


Have I been able to put my impulsive need

For praise, for admiration

For comfort

For acceptance


To think of others?


Have I had moments when I have listened

Been kind

Been giving


Have I loved?


Have I been one who has

Released love into creation

As much as I have released need into creation?

And fear


I know that I am loved

By Love

I know that when the averages find me

I will return to love

But it would be nice to think


That I have left more than empty words behind


That I have left some love behind

Planted somewhere

In someone’s heart


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