
Primitive religion is not believed, it is danced!

Arthur Darby Nock

Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
And only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.

Elizabeth Browning

Saturday, May 11, 2024


Come stand with me on a wilder shore

Where age is no impediment to dreams

And life begins anew each dawn

When the Spirit whispers in your ear


We are not bound by illness

Or chained to time

But live with such a future in our hearts

Jealous death cannot contain it

Even if one day death will try

          Steven Charleston



The road behind is long

It is a hot mess of twists and turns

and meanders up and down

into heights of joy

and into valleys of darkness


there are places

where the flotsam of failure

the rubble of shattered dreams

obliterate and obscure


looking back

there is pain and regret

at the wreckage


but joy too

for those times when I ran

wild and free


the road ahead


I may believe

It goes ever on and on (Tolkien)

Stretching perhaps

Into eternity


But I am well into

This part of my journey

And I can see the end from here


And feel it too


And yet the way ahead is clear

If I choose

There are no impediments


Life begins again, and again

Each new morning

A little Easter


The old has passed away

Behold the new has come


There are so many little deaths

And there will be a death

A final breath


And yet life is irresistible

And the Spirit whispers in my ear




Joy comes with the morning

And this day

Is full of possibilities

And I am free

To go with God


Into the brightness


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