
Primitive religion is not believed, it is danced!

Arthur Darby Nock

Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
And only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.

Elizabeth Browning

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Earth Touchings 4

Earth Touchings 4
In gratitude and compassion, I bow down and transmit my energy to those I love
All the energy I have received I now want to transmit to my father, my mother, everyone I love, and all who have suffered and worried because of me and for my sake. I want all of them to be healthy and joyful. I pray that all ancestors in my blood, spiritual, and land families will focus their energies toward each of them to protect and support them. I am one with those I love
Thich, Nhat, Hanh

My beautiful picture
it could be a lot of things
S for Steve, Stephen, Stevie
Stephen Paul if I'm in trouble
S for self
in search of self
is cooler than Steve
who reminds me
of some 50's
sitcom character
the nice guy
in the cardigan
with highwater slacks and
black shoes
Stevie, the skinny little guy
in black plastic glasses
big ears
and a crew cut
bony knees
total geek
a bit out of sync
with the guys with hair
those places
ah yes
once the earnest young
philospher, theologian
going to be
a star someday
listened to admired
now, no longer so hopeful
but still hoping
to make a difference somewhere
God’s person???
can be a little ratty
torn jeans
tossled hair
a gleam in the eye
when he looks at an attractive woman
a grin
a twinkle
a little too attracted to
French fries
And really decadent burgers
some one to be glanced at
then glanced at again
as he walks by
or not
what else
I wonder...?
a person kind of easy to love
in ways
with creativity and intelligence
and a touch of charisma
difficult to love
in others ways
a bit self absorbed
in a need to be strong
and right
to all those who have wandered with me through the year
and perhaps hurt
perhaps helped
to all those who saw something there
but could never quite get through
to all those who saw the impish glint of the eye
did not always escape
and that the smile did not always reach the eyes
and to those who ran face first into
the Stephen who hid behind words
and thoughts
and hid his feelings and his self
to all of you
who were there
no matter when when I needed you
I honor you this day
and may I find it within me
to be someone
who is there for you
open, caring, compassionate, loving, unselfish
if you
need me

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