
Primitive religion is not believed, it is danced!

Arthur Darby Nock

Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
And only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.

Elizabeth Browning

Monday, April 10, 2017

the futility of flight

“Flight usually intensifies the very thing one flees and establishes a special intimacy with it.”
                                            Thomas Moore

There is so much she wants to do
So many places he wants to go

All of life lays out there
For the taking
For the living

But there are fears to be blocked
And pain to be denied
There are thoughts that haunt
Which must be hidden from

and so
with the intensity and focus of a young lover
he spends his days shutting down the voices in his head

and so with desperation she runs
from her fears

and all energy consumed
they embrace that which destroys
and in the grim and intimate grasp
those things which erode and destroy

they watch as life eludes them

perhaps there is a better way
where flight is banished
and one embraces for a moment

those hungry ghosts
and then lets them go
that with empty arms, and open hearts

they might embrace
what they care about

and do the things they want to do
and find the life
that has for far too long
eluded them

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