
Primitive religion is not believed, it is danced!

Arthur Darby Nock

Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
And only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.

Elizabeth Browning

Monday, April 29, 2019

Changing the systems

You are to offer the stranger food and clothing, to guarantee the stranger justice, to treat the stranger like one of your own citizens, to welcome the stranger as Christ in disguise. This is God’s express will in both testaments of the Bible.
                                                              Barbara Brown Taylor

What would it look like to be a “Christian” nation?
Or rather, since there really cannot be any such thing,
What would it look like to be part of the Kingdom of Heaven (God)?

It would not look like spending more money on
the machinery of death (the military) than the next six countries, combined

It would not look like a wall
It would not look like ICE

It would not look like hate rhetoric
Or the exclusion of tired and abused people seeking refuge

It would not look like legislated morality
that is functionally abusive and coercive

It would not look like “Medicare for none”
Or tax cuts for the rich

It would not look like shaming the poor
or deciding that some do not have enough value
to be fed, and clothed and housed

The Sacred One is pretty clear
Through which ever voice the Sacred voice comes

Participating in the Sacred way is about love
The words are endless
And endlessly ignored

“however you define the problematic present-day-stranger,
 the religious stranger, the cultural stranger, the transgendered stranger,
 the homeless stranger, the scripture’s wildly impractical solutions is to love
 the stranger as the self”  (BBT)

we make a fundamental mistake if we think Jesus came to earth
primarily to rescue us as individuals.
to provide us with a way out of our own dysfunction, and pave the way
to heaven

Jesus did not come to sell fire insurance,
Jesus came to usher in the Kingdom!
Jesus came to call us as individuals, to a new way of doing life, yes

But he came to challenge the Kingdom of the World
With its greed
And its love of power
And replace that Kingdom with the Kingdom of God
That is what Palm Sunday was all about

Jesus came to change all those systems that
Pervasively, profoundly, persistently minimize and oppress
All those systems that crush the poor
And the “different”

And replace them with systems that nurture,
And feed
And clothe
And house
And heal


In the kingdom of God no one is without value
In the kingdom of God no one is left behind
In the kingdom of God there is no winning
There is no losing
There are just people, working together
So that everyone has enough

Enough justice
Enough water
Enough food
Enough housing
Enough clothing
Enough safety
Enough welcome
Enough forgiveness
Enough love

Especially enough love

What does it look like to participate in the Kingdom of Heaven?
A Kingdom we are to participate in
And make real
Here and now
(On earth as it is in heaven!  We pray for this every time we say the Lord’s prayer)

It looks like welcoming the stranger
It looks like helping the poor
It looks like seeing those we would
Reject, discard, judge, fear
As Jesus in disguise

And acting accordingly
Come, Lord Jesus

Come in that person struggling with addiction
Come in that mother and child fleeing violence in Central America
Come in that libertard who wants Medicare for all
Come in that person with the MAGA hat
Come in that child
Come in that person bent with age
Come however you will

That we might welcome you
And love you as our self

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