Under the Domination Paradigm, people are encouraged to
think of themselves as identified by their descriptions and to see themselves
as real insofar as they are distinct from others. . . . “I am I by virtue of
being not-you.” So defined, people feel the insufficiency of their being, which
is always vulnerable, always at risk. Consequently, people are insecure and
anxious. Strongly pressed to preserve and enhance what being they have, people
are easily tempted to believe that helping others may hurt themselves and that
hurting others may be the best way to help themselves. After all, the others
are “others,” and our first priority is ourselves. “My” well-being has to take
precedence over “yours.”
Bruteau (Holy Thursday Revolution)
Its you and me against the world!
Sometimes it is just “me” against the world
This is the modern American mindset
Cultured and nurtured for hundreds of years
I am distinct!
I am exceptional!
I am entitled to wealth and power!
I am, and I am distinct from you.
And you?
You are mostly likely a threat!
Especially if you do not look and think the way I do.
Where does this mindset take us?
This human reality so evident in the symbolic stories of
the Bible
In the stories of the Garden,
Cain and Able,
the Tower of Babel
even Noah?
It takes us to a place where we are fragmented and
divided as human creatures.
There we are in our isolated magnificence.
There we are in our isolated
Needing to “preserve and
enhance” what we have
Seeing those around us as
competition, as threats.
Fearful that generosity is an
erosion of safety and power,
and thus, becoming fearful
hoarders and worse.
Becoming people willing to
sacrifice other people for our benefit.
Willing, when in leadership, to
not only fail to do what is good for others,
but willing to prevent others
from doing good (think Abbott and DeSantis)
We become such fragmented and
dysfunctional people, the evidence
of our dysfunction glaring in
the harsh rays of the sun
beating down on a dying planet.
The evidence is everywhere!
In injustice,
Climate change.
Authoritarianism (the corporate
version of all this).
There is “me”
And then there are “others”
And they are of no consequence.
But the Sacred demands a
different way.
The Jesus Movement makes this
With the Sacred we are unified.
We carry all carry the Sacred,
One Spirit
We all participate in the Divine
We all are loved
We all are children of God
We are all safe in Sacred Love
(although not “safe” in this world).
And we are drawn together, not
driven apart
With Pentecost, and the
revelation that we are Sacred Filled
The Tower of Babel was reverse
Division and confusion became
union and understanding
The world is a mess
The Jesus Way is the way out of
this mess.
That way where we do not say,
“here I am by virtue of being
not you”
But say instead
“Here I am I by virtue of being in-you/with-you/for-you”
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