
Primitive religion is not believed, it is danced!

Arthur Darby Nock

Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
And only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.

Elizabeth Browning

Sunday, August 15, 2021

The curse of extremism

“Objection, evasion, joyous distrust, and love of irony are signs of health; everything absolute belongs to pathology.”

Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil



It’s a tough world out there.

It seems as though we live in a time when people are committed to doing everything they can to make things worse.


Whether the issue be climate change, abortion, guns, or Covid we have those passionate souls who absolutely refuse to look at facts critically and change.


And the culprit seems to be absolutism.

People, well meaning for the most part, are absolutely committed to one concept, one cause, on issue, to the point that their absolutism becomes obstructionism.


People, believing that abortion is murder, are so absolute in their rejection of abortion as a solution, that they fail to think about whether their chosen strategy, abortion bans, actually work.  Spoiler alert, abortion bans don’t work.  Many other things do.

People, believing in their right to bear arms, and absolutely believing that guns keep them safe, obstruct any efforts to create some limits on guns.  They close their minds to the fact that people who have guns in their house are more likely to die of a gunshot, not less.  They ignore the fact that countries with tighter controls have way less gun deaths than does the United States.

People believing that a certain politician is telling the truth, buy absolutely into lies that have been proven wrong time and time and time again.

People believing that the government is trying to “control” them, absolutely refuse to get vaccinated for Covid, or wear a mask.  The block many attempts to keep people safe from disease.  Causing an untold number of unnecessary deaths, and a prolonging of a pandemic that, as long as they are obstructionists, will never end.


Absolutism, and extreme blind focus on one party, one individual, one cause is, as Nietzsche suggests, pathological


Is there anything we can grab hold of absolutely that will not destroy?

Some might say the Sacred, or God, or Jesus.

But as we have seen, absolute commitment to even Jesus can lead people into dark and cruel places.  Into a swamp of lies.


But perhaps, if we think about what Jesus taught,

about the one thing Jesus seemed to be committed to, absolutely, we might find something to which we can adhere.


That would be love.

Love God.

Love yourself.

Love others.


Love your enemy!

Love generously!

Love sacrificially!

Love to the point of dying for the other!


Put your love into action

Turn your check.

Give all you have!

Walk the second mile.

Bless those who persecute you.


Can absolute love be as dangerous as all the other absolutes?

Not if we take the trinity of love seriously

Love of God, self and others

If we absolutely love all three, then we get the perichoreses

The circle dance of love that sucks everything into its vortex


Then we get a balanced love that is absolute

That is God


Absolutists scare me to death.

Those who are absolutely committed to abortion bans.

To gun ownership.

To a political party, or ideology, or theology.


But I absolutely believe in Love

And I absolutely believe in the one who taught Love and illustrated love, and died love.

Not with the exclusionary, cruel absolutism of evangelicalism,

but with the absolute belief

that Love wins.

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